Kiddiegrams Have Gone Global

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Saturday, July 20, 2013

Goldie Hawn's Kiddiegram: Venus in Her Tenth House

Goldie Hawn (photo from in a publicity photo from Cactus Flower 1969

Goldie Hawn tweeted about her first granddaughter Rio. Lord Kiddie didn't have the precise birth time
of Goldie's new grandchild, so he decided to have Mlle Kiddie work in her star bureau and
calculate Goldie's Gram.

First off, we will post her Kiddiegram horoscope chart wheel (data on Goldie from Astrotheme) and then highlight something from her Kiddiegram and then allow the reader to investigate the entire Kiddiegram report by clicking
Read More. 
Venus in 10th house:
     Popularity is important to Goldie, and she wants to be known for her beauty, attractiveness, style, or artistic gifts. Interest in a career in entertainment or the arts may be apparent at an early age.  She knows instinctively how to please the public, and so will be favorably received and esteemed.

For Goldie Hawn's Complete Kiddiegram

Planet Kiddie



Report and Text © Copyright Moira Collins Griffin
and Cosmic Patterns Software, Inc.
The content of this report is protected by Copyright law.
By purchasing this report you agree to comply with this Copyright.

     This astrological portrait of your child is intended to give you insight into her unique gifts and challenges. Much of a child's behavior which may puzzle or stymie her parents are quite normal, common "developmental stages" of childhood, and there are a number of fine books available on the subject which illuminate the predictable stages that children experience as they unfold. In addition to the universal patterns, each child is an individual with particular qualities, potentials, and needs, and an understanding of these can help you parent your child more wisely and effectively. Acceptance and appreciation for a child's basic nature, and an awareness of the places where there might be stress or difficulties for your child, can be important allies in your parenting.

     You will find that the interpretation of your child's chart is written in simple language, uncluttered by astrological jargon. If a statement appears to contradict another statement, then she exhibits these opposite qualities at different times in her life. For example, a statement that she is highly sociable and gregarious and a statement that you prefer solitude seemingly contradict each other; this means that she vacillates, and needs both sociability and solitude at different times.

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The positions of the planets at birth and other technical information
is provided below for the benefit of students of astrology:

Sun     28 Sco 55               Pluto    11 Leo 47
Moon    26 Gem 24               N. Node   0 Can 12
Mercury 20 Sag 44               Asc.     27 Sag 54
Venus   11 Sco 39               MC       19 Lib 42
Mars     2 Leo 05               2nd cusp  5 Aqu 04
Jupiter 18 Lib 28               3rd cusp 15 Pis 29
Saturn  24 Can 41               5th cusp 16 Tau 00
Uranus  16 Gem 06               6th cusp  7 Gem 34
Neptune  7 Lib 57

Tropical  Placidus   Standard time observed
GMT: 14:20:00   Time Zone: 5 hours West
Lat. and Long. of birth: 38 N 53 42 77 W 02 12

Aspects and orbs:
Conjunction: 7 Deg 00 Min
Opposition : 5 Deg 00 Min
Square     : 5 Deg 00 Min
Trine      : 5 Deg 00 Min
Sextile    : 4 Deg 00 Min


     The RISING SIGN in the birth chart (also known as the Ascendant) shows how this child faces life, her basic attitude or stance toward the world, the way she comes across, and how she appears to others.

Sagittarius Rising:

     An eager explorer, restless wanderer, high-spirited and energetic adventurer, this child is bound to keep you on the go. Even from a very young age, she is very curious and hates to be contained in any way. As a baby, she will need a great deal of motion (bouncing, going for outings in her stroller, being carried in a backpack), and later on when she is mobile herself, you may have a hard time keeping up with her. She needs plenty of space to dance, prance, gallop, cavort, and generally release her overflowing energy. She can be quite boisterous and wild in her play and she often has no sense of self-restraint or moderation. She is a bit of a daredevil, and if it has never been done before, she wants to do it. She can also be rather overwhelming to quieter, more cautious children, but on the other hand, her liveliness and good cheer tends to be contagious. She brings out the playfulness in other people.

     There is an open, welcoming friendliness about her that others find quite appealing. She seems to expect good times, and she enjoys sharing them. She likes having many playmates, and while she may have a favorite, she does not like to be limited or held back by anyone. In fact, she balks at restrictions of any kind, and finding a balance between giving her free rein to express herself and setting reasonable limits, is likely to be an ongoing challenge for you. When you want her to do something, you must enlist her cooperation and appeal to her higher instincts and strong sense of fair play. Commands and heavy displays of authority will create much resentment and resistance in her, but if you treat her with respect, she will generally respond admirable.

     Goldie is unflinchingly truthful, also, and her blunt honesty can be both refreshing and appalling at times. She sees right through hypocrisy and pretenses and she is not shy about pointing them out. She will probably need some gentle schooling in the art of diplomacy and of protecting people's feelings. Her good humor and good will are obvious, however, and therefore many people do not take offense at what otherwise might be a real blow!

Asc. Opposition Moon:

     Goldie looks to other people a great deal for protection, comfort, and support and she is apt to view a family member as her best friend. She is sentimental, personal, and emotional in the way she deals with other people and she doesn't understand when others don't respond in kind or don't treat her with special consideration. She likes to go places where people know hey by name. She prefers women and the feminine way of doing things because to her emotional connection is paramount.


     The SUN in the birth chart represents who this child is at heart, her primary thrust in life, and what path she needs to follow in order to fulfill herself as a unique individual. It indicates who she is inside rather than the way she appears (which is shown more clearly by the Rising Sign).

Sun in Scorpio:

     Goldie is a child of powerful feelings, emotional extremes, and great sensitivity and depth, sometimes marked by a rather quiet demeanor. At heart she is a very private, even secretive, soul, and her need for a room of her own, or a hideaway in the backyard, or some other personal, unassailable place where she can be alone at times, is quite strong. She may well be sociable and friendly enough, but she likes to be the one in control of when, and with whom, she shares herself. She is much more inclined to have a few very close friends than to have a wide circle of playmates. She is often slow to open herself up to a new person, but the bonds of attachment and loyalty are quite strong once she has made a friend; and if a playmate moves away, you might be surprised at the depth of hurt and sadness she feels. Logical explanations and reassurances will do little to comfort her. She simply has to go through her period of grief or anger or whatever her reaction is, until it is finished. Her feelings tend to run hot or cold - she loves you or she hates you (sometimes both!), with equal fervor. There is a rather dramatic emotional side to her, and it may seem that she exaggerates her feelings. She is rarely lukewarm.

     Goldie has a gift for reading the unspoken motives and feelings of other people which is often uncanny, and it makes her less inclined to believe superficial appearances or simple, pat answers to her often penetrating questions. Especially if she feels that you are hiding something or do not want to deal with a particular topic, she will dig and probe and will not let it alone until her desire to know what is REALLY going on is satisfied. In fact, difficult or taboo subjects seem to especially fascinate her, so be prepared to give some simple but honest answers to her questions about complex relationships, sex, death, and so on. The study of the cycles of birth, development, and death found in nature would be very interesting to her. She has a particularly strong affinity for animals and would cherish a pet.

     Goldie is very persistent and strong-willed and capable of great concentration. You are unlikely to be able to change her or redirect her attention very easily. But this capacity for focus and wholehearted involvement is her gift and will enable her to achieve a great deal when she is older.
Sun in 11th house:

     Goldie's social world and friendships are extremely important to her.  She shines in groups and in cooperative endeavors and is apt to feel at loose ends when left to her own devices.  For instance, growing up in a fairly remote rural setting might be very nourishing and inspiring for some children, but for her it is limiting and probably boring.  Teams, clubs, and other groups which she and her peers can join are her cup of tea.

Sun Trine Mars:

     Goldie is assertive and decisive, and she can stand on her own when she needs to. She takes initiative easily, and her playmates are inclined to follow her lead. Active and energetic, she cannot tolerate staying still for very long.

Sun Trine Saturn:

     Sensible and mature from a fairly young age, Goldie handles responsibility well and can be relied upon to keep her agreements. She likes having an older, experienced person teach her things, especially practical skills or how to make her way in the adult world. She may seem like a little adult at times, and she does not appreciate being treated "like a child."  Her dignity and self-respect are precious to her, so do not tease her or make her feel small.


     MERCURY represents thinking and reasoning processes, the way your child's mind works, her intellectual inclinations and way of communicating ideas.

Mercury in Sagittarius:

     Even as a child, Goldie tends to think in broad, abstract terms, and she is very interested in traveling, social studies, foreign cultures, and anything that will expand her understanding of the world. She is very curious and insatiable when it comes to learning, but she tends to gloss over details and to be rather sloppy when it comes to in-depth technical understanding.

Mercury in 12th house:

     Goldie keeps many of her thoughts, ideas, and interests to herself, and she may be overlooked in school because she doesn't assert her point of view.  She prefers to sit back and absorb what's going on around her.  Daydreaming and fantasizing occupy a good deal of her time, but this isn't necessarily a bad thing, because she can use her imaginative thinking in creative ways.

Mercury Opposition Uranus:

     Mental stimulation and the excitement of new ideas and discoveries is very necessary for Goldie. Quick to grasp new concepts, she is drawn to the most daring or radically innovative ideas. She tends to act on her ideas rather impulsively and is impatient with duller or more methodical minds.

Mercury Sextile Jupiter:

     Goldie is an avid learner, but she may not have much mental discipline. Her ideal learning environment would be one in which she could converse and ask questions of people with varying viewpoints and experiences, rather than studying quietly on her own. Technical subjects are unlikely to hold her interest. Travel and learning about foreign cultures and ideas is very appealing to her.


     The MOON in the birthchart indicates how she deals with and expresses feelings, how she experiences the world on an emotional, feeling, non-verbal level, what her emotional needs are, and what she needs to feel secure, comfortable and at ease.

Moon in Gemini:

     One of the primary ways that Goldie responds to the world is by thinking and talking about it, and if given any encouragement at all, she will discuss her feelings and experiences very readily. Creating a ritual of talking about the ups and downs of her day with her, just prior to going to sleep at night, can be very relaxing and soothing for her, putting her at ease. Even at a young age, before she can articulate, she is likely to be a chatterbox and to need quite a bit of social interaction and "conversation."  She will love hearing rhymes, jingles, and little songs, and she will often respond with a stream of her own jabbering. Try not to tell her to "be quiet" too often as she is growing up, because speaking is a significant means of self expression for her.

     Goldie needs an interesting stimulating environment and she may become cranky and out of sorts when she exhausts all of the materials and playthings you provide for her. She will love books, story tapes, puzzles, and mentally challenging games, such as word games or computer games. Restless and easily bored, she is inclined to lose interest in an activity rather quickly. It may seem that she needs to be entertained constantly. She grasps concepts quickly and is always eager to see or experience something new. Outings to the library, to visit friends, or just anything to break up her routine will always be welcome. She adapts well to changes in her environment.

     This child has an insatiable curiosity and desire to learn about the world. and she is unlikely to cling too tightly to your apron strings. The outside world is just too fascinating. She is also somewhat uncomfortable with emotions, sentimentality, and others' emotional needs or demands. When difficult feelings such as fear or sadness arise, she will often simply ignore them or try to make a joke. Sometimes she becomes silly in response to intense feelings or situations that she does not understand. Even at a surprisingly young age she can be detached and objective in emotionally-charged situations.

Moon in 6th house:

     One of this child's basic requirements is order in her environment.  She is emotionally distressed by chaos or disorganization in her surroundings.  Her moods and emotions also affect her health, especially her digestion.  Soothing herbal teas or favorite meals comfort her emotionally.  She may also enjoy baking with Mom, Grandma, or other caregivers.


     VENUS represents the way your child gives and receives affection, makes friends, and socializes. It also indicates artistic or creative inclinations.

Venus in Scorpio:

     Goldie makes very deep, close emotional bonds of the blood-brother or blood-sister type, and she can be extremely possessive of her closest friends, resenting any time they spend with other friends. She tends to be all-or-nothing when it comes to friendship. She gives and expects intense loyalty.

Venus in 10th house:

     Popularity is important to Goldie, and she wants to be known for her beauty, attractiveness, style, or artistic gifts. Interest in a career in entertainment or the arts may be apparent at an early age.  She knows instinctively how to please the public, and so will be favorably received and esteemed.

Venus Square Pluto:

     Goldie can be insatiable for affection and love, and she makes a lot of demands on her friends and loved ones. Her love needs and feelings are very intense. Jealousy, possessiveness, or trying to control others can be problems for her at times. She sometimes acts irrationally when her feelings have been stirred.


     MARS represents your child's drive, ambition, will, energy level, and ability to assert herself.

Mars in Leo:

     Goldie's vitality and energy level is high. She plays hard and she plays to win. Losing or being second are intolerable to her, especially while she is young. Her will and determination are formidable!

Mars in 7th house:

     Goldie puts a tremendous amount of energy and drive into "beating out the competition."  Her perception of others as opponents or rivals can create havoc with schoolmates, siblings, and just about everyone else!  Essentially more competitive than cooperative, she needs to learn the art of compromise.


     JUPITER in the birth chart reveals the child's future aspirations, and how she seeks to grow and improve herself.  It also indicates areas of natural confidence, success, or "luck."

Jupiter in Libra:

     Broadminded tolerance and an idealistic concern for fairness, equality, and "everyone getting a chance" are among Goldie's character assets.  One benefit of this is that she simply gets along with people very well; other people--especially teachers and others in the broader social world--like her and want to help her.  She tends to be the peacemaker among her friends, and can be appealed to through her strong sense of fairness and balance. ("You got to ride in the front seat yesterday; it's his turn today.")  She's very personable and considerate, and she wants to be treated as a friend, even by older relatives or adults she sees frequently.  She seeks to grow through these friendly alliances with other people.

Jupiter in 9th house:

     Goldie is an insatiable learner, and is extremely interested in anything new, exotic, or foreign--be it ideas, people, or even food.  Naturally cosmopolitan, she'll want to travel widely to expand her understanding of the world.  Parents and teachers may notice that after a trip to a faraway or previously unexplored place, she's remarkably more confident and buoyant.  A subscription to National Geographic magazine would inspire her. She would truly enjoy sponsoring a foreign exchange student, or being one herself.  Tolerant of cultural or other differences among people, she's apt to acquire a wide variety of friends.

Jupiter Trine Uranus:

     Goldie is apt to be very "lucky", escpecially when she trusts her instincts and intuition.  She has an excellent sense of timing and an uncanny knack of showing up at the right place and the right time. Because she is enthusiastic and open minded she attracts opportunities to go places (both literally and figuratively) that more conservative family members will never see.  Dancing, music, and other exuberant, joyful activities are important to her all her life.


     The position of SATURN in your child's birth chart indicates the areas in which she is especially insecure, about which she is most serious, and/or in which she works hardest or is hardest on herself.  It also reveals those weaknesses which, through effort, may become her greatest strengths.

Saturn in Cancer:

     Goldie may hate being called a baby and will work hard to overcome her dependencies and neediness.  Sometimes she'll be afraid to show others how much she cares and how much she does need them.  Secretly, she feels very vulnerable and worries that she doesn't belong, that she's a burden, or that her place in the family is not altogether secure.  Massive doses of unconditional love, acceptance and support can offset this--the kind of love that comes with no strings attached.

     Goldie also takes responsibility for whatever goes on in the family circle and is particularly prone to guilt.  It's very important to allow her to be a child and not thrust her into the role of caretaker for others in the family.  She'll accept the job, but it will be a heavy load and she'll do anything to escape it when she's older.  If, on the other hand, her home life is stable and comfortable, she's likely to make home and family her fortress, a place so protected and safe that she may be reluctant to venture far from it.

Saturn in 7th house:

     Goldie may have quite a struggle with forming real friendships, finding other children who reciprocate her interest and affection.  She may be more drawn to older children or to adults, and may shy away from her own agemates.  She seems to need a lot of assurance or proof that the other person will be a "true blue friend" and may hold herself back for fear of being disappointed. Parents may find themselves chagrined at her choice of friends, because she'll sometimes maintain alliances with children who take her for granted, neglect her except when it's convenient for them, etc.

     Without interfering too much, parents can help her learn to discriminate between children who are good for her and those who aren't.


     The Lunar Nodes are points formed by the moon's orbit around the Earth intersecting with the Earth's path around the Sun. These sensitive "power points" in our child's chart give vital information about those areas of life experience that she will instinctively be drawn to in order to fulfill her life purposes, as well as qualities she needs to develop and express in order to do so. They show where she can be most successful as she unfolds her natural talent

North Node in 7th House in Cancer:

     Goldie's life path has very much to do with developing both a sensitive awareness of other people and the capacity to cooperate. She's learning to temper competitive or selfish impulses with a concern for the others around her. Friendships and close partnerships are therefore of paramount importance to her all her life, and she may develop an unusual gift for bringing people together.

     Her destiny is really about "us" rather than "me", about finding a balance between independence and harmonizing with significant others in her life. Understanding this, you as her parent or caring elder may encourage her to value her connections to people and to work on resolving conflicts with others when they arise.

     The qualities Goldie needs in order to succeed in this endeavor are empathy, devotion, tenderness, and a willingness to be cared for in a nurturing way by other people. Encourage her to graciously receive, as well as give and support.


     The slow-moving planets Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto represent the ideals, changes, and impulses of an entire generation. While the descriptions below may or may not describe your child as an individual, they will tell you about the climate of the times and the underlying issues and challenges of your child's age group.

     For instance, when Neptune (which represents one's spiritual ideals, dreams, aspirations, fantasies and illusions) passed through the egalitarian and harmony-loving sign of Libra (from 1943-1957), the children who would grow into the "flower children," hippies, and supporters of the peace movement were born. Not every person born during that time became a hippie or identified themselves with the peace movement, but certainly they were affected by the feeling-tone and ideals of their age group and the times they grew up in. Thus, the following information is intended to give you insight into the important motifs and issues of your child's generation.

     URANUS indicates where the impulse for change, innovation, liberation from the past, and experimentation with new forms is the strongest. It is where the status quo is disrupted or uprooted to make way for something new. Sudden inspiration and invention are also represented by Uranus.

Uranus in Gemini:

     This is a restless and unusually flexible and tolerant group. Many of them will form unusual friendships and are interested in people who are very different from them culturally, ethnically, or in other ways. There is a strong streak of mischief in them and sometimes they like to break rules just to see what will happen. They will experiment with adrogyny and the creative blending of male and female characteristics. This may show up as an early disinterest in gender differences.

Uranus in 6th house:

     Goldie is apt to be somewhat of a maverick in her work habits. School work, study habits, and when she is older, her choice of jobs is likely to be affected. Essentially she wants to improvise and work at her own pace and if allowed to do so, this should not be too much of a problem. In an atmosphere that is highly structured, though, she may be nervous, easily distractable, or an instigator to her peers.

     NEPTUNE represents the quest for the ideal, the dream, for something more sublime. The sign it is passing through at the time of one's birth colors one's spiritual aspirations and ideals, and also indicates where the desire to escape reality, to fantasize, deceive oneself, and become lost in illusion is the strongest.

Neptune in Libra:

     This group idealizes harmony, cooperation, "peace and love", and may be unrealistic in their hopes for a world where everyone gets along. As a group they tend to avoid the grittier side of life or to be deeply disillusioned when they encounter it. They also idealize romantic love and relationship, and may search for the "perfect lover".

Neptune in 9th house:

     Goldie is very much a spiritual seeker all her life and she may travel widely as part of her quest for the grail of wisdom. She will enjoy studying and dreaming about faraway places, the more exotic and unreachable the better.  Even as a child, she instinctively understands the interconnectedness of all life, and she has very high ideals.  Sometimes her spiritual beliefs interfere with a clear perception of what actually is.  She can overlook the obvious!

Neptune Sextile Pluto:

     Those born during this generation have the opportunity to advance spirituality and a consciousness of unity, universality, and brother/sisterhood.  Only a few individuals may heed the call, but many will be influenced by them.

     PLUTO in the birth chart indicates a process of deep change, transformation, and renewal, often through destruction or confrontation with darkness.  This is a process that takes place in society as well as in individuals.  Pluto's position in the birth chart shows where one is compulsive, extreme, or learning key life lessons.

Pluto in Leo:

     Those born during this cycle have major issues with authority, personal power, and learning to balance the energies of the heart. They are apt to go to extremes in their quest to fulfill their own unique destinies. Many of them have royal expectations, which can draw out the best or the worst in them.

Pluto in 8th house:

     This is a child that is drawn to intense experience.  She has a natural resilience and does not avoid things that other people find frightening, ugly, or dark.  As a child she may enjoy thrillers or horror movies, or ask alot of questions about death.  As an a adult, she may be drawn to professions that involve handling crisis, emergencies, or life and death situations.