The child is father of the man (or woman!)
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This is a month devoted to the royals, in anticipation of the royal birth in July or August in England.
We thought today, that Mademoiselle Kiddie woudl post Queen Elizabeth's Kiddiegram.
Here she is at the age of three.
Now she is a grandmother, soon to be a great grandmother!
What do you think of her Kiddiegram report?
Mademoiselle Kiddie is struck with her Pluto in the sixth house
Pluto in 6th house:
This child is apt to come into her vocation at a young age, to have a strong sense of mission about her life's work. This may manifest as unusual interests or hobbies that she pursues consistently through her childhood years, and it will reflect some of the qualities described above.
This child is apt to come into her vocation at a young age, to have a strong sense of mission about her life's work. This may manifest as unusual interests or hobbies that she pursues consistently through her childhood years, and it will reflect some of the qualities described above.
This astrological portrait of your child is intended to give you insight into her unique gifts and challenges. Much of a child's behavior which may puzzle or stymie her parents are quite normal, common "developmental stages" of childhood, and there are a number of fine books available on the subject which illuminate the predictable stages that children experience as they unfold. In addition to the universal patterns, each child is an individual with particular qualities, potentials, and needs, and an understanding of these can help you parent your child more wisely and effectively. Acceptance and appreciation for a child's basic nature, and an awareness of the places where there might be stress or difficulties for your child, can be important allies in your parenting.
You will find that the interpretation of your child's chart is written in simple language, uncluttered by astrological jargon. If a statement appears to contradict another statement, then she exhibits these opposite qualities at different times in her life. For example, a statement that she is highly sociable and gregarious and a statement that you prefer solitude seemingly contradict each other; this means that she vacillates, and needs both sociability and solitude at different times.
The positions of the planets at birth and other technical information
is provided below for the benefit of students of astrology:
Sun 0 Tau 12 Pluto 12 Can 42
Moon 12 Leo 07 N. Node 20 Can 07
Mercury 4 Ari 40 Asc. 21 Cap 23
Venus 13 Pis 57 MC 25 Sco 33
Mars 20 Aqu 52 2nd cusp 18 Pis 25
Jupiter 22 Aqu 31 3rd cusp 0 Tau 17
Saturn 24 Sco 27 5th cusp 14 Gem 06
Uranus 27 Pis 21 6th cusp 1 Can 05
Neptune 22 Leo 02
Tropical Placidus Daylight Savings Time observed
GMT: 01:40:00 Time Zone: 0 hours West
Lat. and Long. of birth: 51 N 30 0 W 10
Aspects and orbs:
Conjunction: 7 Deg 00 Min
Opposition : 5 Deg 00 Min
Square : 5 Deg 00 Min
Trine : 5 Deg 00 Min
Sextile : 4 Deg 00 Min
The RISING SIGN in the birthchart (also known as the Ascendant) shows how this child faces life, her basic attitude or stance toward the world, the way she comes across, and how she appears to others.
Capricorn Rising:
Elizabeth has a rather realistic, practical outlook on life even as a child, and her demeanor is somewhat understated, cautious, quiet, and controlled. Not your typical carefree, happy-go-lucky sort of child, she wants to know how the real, adult world operates, and she may appear more mature and also more serious and watchful than one might expect of a young person. She presents a rather somber and reserved face to the world. She likes to be given responsibilities, taken seriously, and treated like a capable person in her own right, and she absolutely hates being coddled or condescended to.
Though quiet, Elizabeth is fairly ambitious, and she needs and wants practical guidance and help in forming positive goals and strategies for getting ahead in life. She tends to find a person that will provide a model for her to emulate, most likely her father, grandfather, or other strong paternal figure.
Security of a tangible sort is quite important to her, and she does not often take risks impulsively or make changes without considerable calculation and thought. Besides being conservative, she also has a strong sense of dignity and propriety, and a real horror of making a fool of herself.
It may be hard to know just what she is feeling at any given time. She is hard to read for she appears somewhat unemotional, impassive, or unexpressive at times. Even when she feels strongly about something or someone, it often does not come through. It is important to remember that even though she may seem stoical, her feelings and needs are just as real and pressing as anyone else's - she just does not show it outwardly as much.
Asc. Sextile Saturn:
Elizabeth appears responsible, mature, and conscientious, and she has a realistic, adult-like attitude toward life even at a young age. She may be rather shy and careful about expressing herself, also.
The SUN in the birthchart represents who this child is at heart, her primary thrust in life, and what path she needs to follow in order to fulfill herself as a unique individual. It indicates who she is inside rather than the way she appears (which is shown more clearly by the Rising Sign).
Sun in Taurus:
Elizabeth has a sturdy, stable, easy-going, even somewhat placid disposition, and she likes to do things at her own pace, which tends to be rather slow, even, and steady. She is deliberate and methodical, takes things one step at a time, and has the capacity to persevere, to endure, and to stay with whatever she starts until it is completed. She may take longer to master a particular task or skill, but it stays with her once she does.
Elizabeth much prefers the known and the familiar to the new and different. Her tastes are likely to be very consistent and fixed, and it will not be easy for you to introduce new food, especially if it is exotic or distinctive in any way. She can be very inflexible and resistant to new ideas and to changes in the status quo, also. A reliable routine suits her very well.
She has a great fondness for beautiful things and for comfort, and she has a pleasure-loving side which borders on laziness at times. A love of nature is also very strong within her, and she is more suited to the natural rhythms of country life than to an urban environment. Tending a garden or building with natural materials would be very satisfying to her. She has a very practical nature, and she likes to see some tangible results for her efforts. When explaining something to her, it is much more effective to demonstrate it concretely for her, rather than simply telling her.
She is also a warmly loving child, and she needs a lot of touching, holding, and affection, which she will return to you in abundance.
The only quality which can be quite trying is her great stubbornness. She can be positively immovable once she has made up her mind!
Sun in 2nd house:
Making, building, creating, or collecting things will be a significant part of Elizabeth's life. Any early interests in such activities--from building birdhouses or model airplanes, to constructing "houses" from cardboard boxes, to collecting coins or butterflies or shells--should be encouraged. Her personal possessions are not mere objects to her. They give her a sense of security and identity. For instance, she may want to collect photographs of her heroes or build a small library of books devoted to her area of interest or to people she wishes to emulate.
MERCURY represents thinking and reasoning processes, the way your child's mind works, her intellectual inclinations and way of communicating ideas.
Mercury in Aries:
She grasps ideas quickly and has a direct, honest, rather abrupt way of expressing her thoughts. She often jumps to conclusions or speaks her mind without considering the impact of her words. She may be fond of arguing.
Mercury in 2nd house:
An interest in economics and finance could be evident in Elizabeth from an early age. This child always wants to be the "banker" when playing Monopoly! She bargains, barters, and expects "fair pay" for the work she does. She has many practical, money-making ideas--such as setting up a booth to sell her "products"--and she may need your help with these.
The MOON in the birth chart indicates how she deals with and expresses feelings, how she experiences the world on an emotional, feeling, non-verbal level, what her emotional needs are, and what she needs to feel secure, comfortable and at ease.
Moon in Leo:
Warm, sunny, cheerful, and something of a "ham," this child thrives on being the center of attention. She loves having an audience and she is likely to have some boisterous attention-grabbing techniques that are none too subtle, if she feels she is being ignored.
"Notice me! Love me! Tell me I'm wonderful!" may well be the underlying message of much of her behavior. She simply suffers if her special quality, her uniqueness, and her abilities are not noticed and appreciated. If she is given any encouragement at all, she will do her utmost to stand out, to be the best. She has a deep inner sense of nobility and pride and she very much needs respect, as well as the love and affection all children require. (Never ridicule or make fun of her, especially in public.) Given plenty of praise and love, no child will be more devoted, adoring, wholeheartedly loving, and affectionate than she is.
On the other hand, if she is lavished with adulation and made too much of, she is likely to become rather narcissistic, and to have a lop-sided sense of her own importance, so you will need to achieve a fine balance.
There is a natural performer in her, and she needs to have a medium through which to express her dramatic, creative side, a place where she can really shine out.
Also, she likes to make her own choices and decisions, and this should be allowed for as much as possible. Try not to engage her in power struggles over matters that are really not so important. She can be intensely persistent and willful!
Moon in 7th house:
Elizabeth truly depends on her friends to be there for her, and she, in turn, takes care of them and is fiercely loyal. She may feel lost and at loose ends when playmates are unavailable, and losing a friend (whether through relocating or through a falling out) is deeply distressing. She gets very attached to her companions and friends. One of her best and closest friends may be a sibling.
VENUS represents the way your child gives and receives affection, makes friends, and socializes. It also indicates artistic or creative inclinations.
Venus in Pisces:
Soft-hearted and compassionate, Elizabeth's sympathy inclines her to try to take care of people or to befriend those that others ridicule. It is very hard for her to say no to a friend. Any unkindness really offends and hurts her feelings.
Venus in 1st house:
This child's charm, sweet manners, and/or physical beauty make her extremely popular, but an excessive concern with her appearance and a pronounced streak of vanity may work against her. She often prefers not to compete or expend effort, because so many things seem to fall into her lap without any exertion on her part.
Venus Trine Pluto:
Elizabeth's need for love and closeness is very strong, and she becomes intensely attached to her friends and the people she cares for. She is also very attractive or charming, and she may use this to subtly control or manipulate people, especially if she feels that she is not getting enough affection. Positively, she has unusual creative abilities and could pour her strong feelings into artistic or creative work.
MARS represents your child's drive, ambition, will, energy level, and ability to assert herself.
Mars in Aquarius:
Elizabeth is unafraid of being different or asserting her independence and her will, and she challenges authority.
Her physical energy is somewhat erratic. She is likely to have quick bursts of energy and activity, and then to suddenly stop or "burn out" on a project.
Mars in 1st house:
"Do it!" and "Go for it!" are Elizabeth's mottoes, and she's impatient with long-drawn-out explanations or efforts to dissuade her. She's bold and always wants to be FIRST (which can irritate her siblings and peers). She stands up for herself, so she may sometimes be seen as a fighter or a troublemaker.
Mars Conjunct Jupiter:
Elizabeth has a lot of confidence and belief in herself, and she tends to aim high. She is sometimes overly optimistic about what she can achieve and will bite off more than she can chew. She is always ready to "go for it." She has an abundance of energy.
Mars Opposition Neptune:
Elizabeth is not inclined to fight or to assert herself in a strong, decisive way, and she is likely to struggle with feelings of weakness or ineffectiveness in competitive situations. On the other hand, she is likely to idealize powerful people who are fighters, conquerors, physically brave and masterful. She may seesaw between being unsure of herself and of how to get what she wants, and putting on a great show of bravado. If she gets fatigued easily, you may want to investigate the possibility of allergies, which may drain her energy.
Mars Square Saturn:
Elizabeth seems to struggle a lot and to feel at times that life is a lot of hard work. She may be very inhibited about asserting herself, fearing that her will and desires will be blocked if she openly declares herself. She withholds her anger, too. She needs a lot of encouragement and acceptance in order to build up her confidence.
JUPITER in the birth chart reveals the child's future aspirations, and how she seeks to grow and improve herself. It also indicates areas of natural confidence, success, or "luck."
Jupiter in Aquarius:
Elizabeth is the true "citizen of the world"--very egalitarian and concerned with social issues, justice, and world problems (as well as world solutions!) Teachers and other significant adults in her life will often find her ignoring precedents and prejudices based on history. Interracial or cross-cultural friendships, for instance, appeal to her very much. She seeks to grow and improve her life through being independent and free from old ways of doing things. She has high humanitarian ideals.
Jupiter in 1st house:
Elizabeth tends to be fortunate because of the positive first impression she makes on both other children and adults. Instinctively she puts her best foot forward, and comes across as a confident, open person who can afford to be generous to others. She'll want to participate in a lot of extracurricular activities, and be well known and popular at school and in the community. She could be "a big fish in a small pond" too.
Jupiter Opposition Neptune:
Elizabeth has a tremendous belief in possibilities and dreams, and tends to err on the side of hope, optimism, and what-could-be. She is a bit lopsided in this regard, in fact, and fact need an occasional reality check. She adores anything magical, wonderful, fantastic. She's also extremely generous and compassionate and would enjoy doing something for her favorite charity, even if she has very little herself.
Jupiter Square Saturn:
Optimism and pessimism, or belief and doubt, are often at odds within Elizabeth. This may mean she will hopefully, enthusiastically start something, but be easily disheartened by any resistance or criticism she receives. A constructive relationship with a positive role model would be especially beneficial to her, as would a caring parent or teacher who encourages her to stay with her original plan, and reminds her that she can withstand criticisms and doubts.
The position of SATURN in your child's birth chart indicates the areas in which she is especially insecure, about which she is most serious, and/or in which she works hardest or is hardest on herself. It also reveals those weaknesses which, through effort, may become her greatest strengths.
Saturn in Scorpio:
Any struggles, fears, or troublesome feelings that Elizabeth encounters are apt to be kept to herself, but perceptive parents and other caregivers can detect them--usually from her brooding silences or her withdrawal from the social life of the family. This secretiveness may work against her by intensifying her turmoil. Difficult unexpressed emotions, such as jealousy over the birth of a new sibling or anger at a parent, can grow out of all proportion. At times, therefore, she'll feel misunderstood: "Nobody really knows me." The truth is that it can be hard to get to know her, because she doesn't readily trust others. If she has even one confidante--a parent, an aunt or uncle, or another trustworthy adult who will not judge, shame, or "thou-shalt-not" her feelings--it will go a long way toward diffusing her tensions. If not, she is likely to suffer from guilt for her strong, but essentially normal, emotions and reactions.
Saturn in 9th house:
Accepting other people's beliefs, faith, or outlook on life won't always be easy for Elizabeth. Unless she's encouraged to be tolerant and open-minded, she may limit her experience considerably because of this lack of imagination or inability to visualize different ways of seeing and doing things. Becoming personally acquainted with people whose cultures or religions differ from her own can help to break down barriers and prevent the development of a narrow, insular attitude.
Saturn Square Neptune:
Elizabeth is apt to go through periods of doubt, discouragement, or pessimism, especially regarding her own possibilities and/or the state of the world. Negative and dispiriting messages from the media can have a pernicious effect upon her, parents may want to limit her exposure to especially morbid images. Religious teachings that are punitive, frightening, and guilt-producing are also unhealthy for her. Her imagination needs to be encouraged along wholesome, hopeful, and uplifting lines.
Saturn Trine Uranus:
As she meets obstacles and difficulties, one ally Elizabeth has is her willingness to invite help from unexpected or novel sources and to invent new solutions while not disregarding the tried and true. Praise and reinforce her flexibility. She may also be the one in the family who acts as a bridge between discordant family members, and especially so when they are from different generations.
The Lunar Nodes are points formed by the moon's orbit around the Earth intersecting with the Earth's path around the Sun. These sensitive "power points" in our child's chart give vital information about those areas of life experience that she will instinctively be drawn to in order to fulfill her life purposes, as well as qualities she needs to develop and express in order to do so. They show where she can be most successful as she unfolds her natural talent
North Node in 6th House in Cancer:
Elizabeth's path in life requires that she become a practical, down to earth problem solver. The more she develops tangible skills and learns how to handle mundane challenges, the more she frees up her energy to be successful. She needs to be shown how the world functions and how to make her way in it. Learning practical planning and strategies will enable her to bring her gifts and visions to the world in a satisfying way. Structure, routines, and rituals that give order to her life are helpful to her. She may have specialized talents, especially in areas of healing.
The qualities Elizabeth needs in order to succeed in this endeavor are empathy, devotion, tenderness, and a willingness to be cared for in a nurturing way by other people. Encourage her to graciously receive, as well as give and support.
The slow-moving planets Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto represent the ideals, changes, and impulses of an entire generation. While the descriptions below may or may not describe your child as an individual, they will tell you about the climate of the times and the underlying issues and challenges of your child's age group.
For instance, when Neptune (which represents one's spiritual ideals, dreams, aspirations, fantasies and illusions) passed through the egalitarian and harmony-loving sign of Libra (from 1943-1957), the children who would grow into the "flower children," hippies, and supporters of the peace movement were born. Not every person born during that time became a hippie or identified themselves with the peace movement, but certainly they were affected by the feeling-tone and ideals of their age group and the times they grew up in. Thus, the following information is intended to give you insight into the important motifs and issues of your child's generation.
URANUS indicates where the impulse for change, innovation, liberation from the past, and experimentation with new forms is the strongest. It is where the status quo is disrupted or uprooted to make way for something new. Sudden inspiration and invention are also represented by Uranus.
Uranus in Pisces:
Those of this age group (2004-2012) have creative genius, unusual inspiration, and visionary ideals. Their art, music, literature, and lifestyles will be unusual or strange to others, and they have a rather unstable and impractical bent. They are inclined to be discontented with the ways of the world, but without a strong desire to make positive reforms in a practical way. Traditional religion does not suit them either, and they will experiment with their own personal forms of mystical experience.
Uranus in 2nd house:
Elizabeth may feel disinterested or weighted down by material possession, money, or the conventional attitudes society teaches about the need to work diligently to provide for oneself. Her values are unusual and somewhat offbeat. As a child this could mean she will toss away a special gift soon after she receives it, not because she doesn't appreciate the gift but because she prefers to go lightly. She may be irresponsible about her allowance or spend it on outlandish things.Ultimately, he'sElizabethshe's learning how to be free of material constraints, and will experiment with alternative ways to support herslef when she grows up.
NEPTUNE represents the quest for the ideal, the dream, for something more sublime. The sign it is passing through at the time of one's birth colors one's spiritual aspirations and ideals, and also indicates where the desire to escape reality, to fantasize, deceive oneself, and become lost in illusion is the strongest.
Neptune in Leo:
This group tends to idealize celebrity, royalty, and being in the limelight. Actors and actresses or others who are seen to be somebody special hold sway over their collective imagination. They dream of the perfect leader and may be unrealistically compliant to the authorities they deify, then become disillusioned when these demigods show their imperfect humanity.
Neptune in 7th house:
Elizabeth's hopes, dreams, and fantasies are often projected on to other people. She may be enthralled with a new friend, seeing only this person's special and wonderful qualities, then become disillusioned when the other doesn't live up to her image. She may also be drawn to people she believes need saving, like the forlorn child who is new to the neighborhood or the social misfit that others shun, and she can be endlessly giving. In time she will learn to be more objective and balanced in her perspective on others. Parents and others in her life who model good boundaries and healthy relationships can help himElizabethher in this regard.
PLUTO in the birth chart indicates a process of deep change, transformation, and renewal, often through destruction or confrontation with darkness. This is a process that takes place in society as well as in individuals. Pluto's position in the birth chart shows where one is compulsive, extreme, or learning key life lessons.
Pluto in Cancer:
Families and family structures undergo massive changes during this period and for those born at this time, many of the cherished traditions will die or need to be revived. These children will show us how to remain connected to our deep roots.
Pluto in 6th house:
This child is apt to come into her vocation at a young age, to have a strong sense of mission about her life's work. This may manifest as unusual interests or hobbies that she pursues consistently through her childhood years, and it will reflect some of the qualities described above.
This astrological portrait of your child is intended to give you insight into her unique gifts and challenges. Much of a child's behavior which may puzzle or stymie her parents are quite normal, common "developmental stages" of childhood, and there are a number of fine books available on the subject which illuminate the predictable stages that children experience as they unfold. In addition to the universal patterns, each child is an individual with particular qualities, potentials, and needs, and an understanding of these can help you parent your child more wisely and effectively. Acceptance and appreciation for a child's basic nature, and an awareness of the places where there might be stress or difficulties for your child, can be important allies in your parenting.
You will find that the interpretation of your child's chart is written in simple language, uncluttered by astrological jargon. If a statement appears to contradict another statement, then she exhibits these opposite qualities at different times in her life. For example, a statement that she is highly sociable and gregarious and a statement that you prefer solitude seemingly contradict each other; this means that she vacillates, and needs both sociability and solitude at different times.
The positions of the planets at birth and other technical information
is provided below for the benefit of students of astrology:
Sun 0 Tau 12 Pluto 12 Can 42
Moon 12 Leo 07 N. Node 20 Can 07
Mercury 4 Ari 40 Asc. 21 Cap 23
Venus 13 Pis 57 MC 25 Sco 33
Mars 20 Aqu 52 2nd cusp 18 Pis 25
Jupiter 22 Aqu 31 3rd cusp 0 Tau 17
Saturn 24 Sco 27 5th cusp 14 Gem 06
Uranus 27 Pis 21 6th cusp 1 Can 05
Neptune 22 Leo 02
Tropical Placidus Daylight Savings Time observed
GMT: 01:40:00 Time Zone: 0 hours West
Lat. and Long. of birth: 51 N 30 0 W 10
Aspects and orbs:
Conjunction: 7 Deg 00 Min
Opposition : 5 Deg 00 Min
Square : 5 Deg 00 Min
Trine : 5 Deg 00 Min
Sextile : 4 Deg 00 Min