Got Your Gram?
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Harry James Potter celebrates his 33rd birthday today.He shares the same birthday as his creator JK Rowling. Lord Kiddie has posted his fictional Kiddiegram on the Star Signs Chartwheel blog.
Mademoiselle Kiddie spent some time in her star bureau calculating his star chart, using the town where the Harry Potter was born (in the film) Lavenham,Suffolk. This cottage is now for sale for some 950,000 pounds.It served to represent the fictional village of Godric's Hollow where Harry was born.
A second choice, might have been the cafe in Edinburough where Rowling wrote much of the first Potter novel..
A third choice might have been somewhere between Manchester and London, as Rowling noted that she thought of the idea while on a train traveling between these two cities. The below quote is from's Harry Potter entry.
In 1990, Rowling was on a crowded train from Manchester to London when the idea for Harry suddenly "fell into her head". Rowling gives an account of the experience on her website saying:
Lord Kiddie is adding Harry's Horoscope Chart Wheel below cast for the cottage now being sold for almost a million dollars."I had been writing almost continuously since the age of six but I had never been so excited about an idea before. I simply sat and thought, for four (delayed train) hours, and all the details bubbled up in my brain, and this scrawny, black-haired, bespectacled boy who did not know he was a wizard became more and more real to me."
If you were born on July 31st, follow MlleKiddie ( and message her for a gift Kiddiegram report. Or you may follow and tweet her @MlleKiddie . Send a private message with your birth data and she will email you a gift Kiddiegram from her Star Bureau if you include your email.