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Thursday, August 8, 2013

Sunday's Child : Freddie Wersching Full Turns Three

Happy Birthday Freddie!

We hope you enjoy your biggest birthday gift, maybe before this post is uploaded...a new sibling. 

In March Lord Kiddie read in AceShowbizNews that his Mom was expecting late summer.

Mlle Kiddie worked on Freddie's chart when he was born and is posting it below his horoscope chart wheel.

The KiddieGram Report for

Freddie Wersching Full
August 8, 2010
4:46 PM
Los Angeles, California

Here's a wonderful little tidbit from his full Kiddiegram Report. Looks like he's going to enjoy this big birthday present of a new brother or sister!

Jupiter in 3rd house:
     Freddie is apt to be a voracious reader and he'll love adventure stories and books which spark his interest in foreign lands and cultures.  Traveling will be one of the joys of his life, something he longs to do.  He'll be eager to accompany parents on their journeys, and if he must be left behind he'll truly regret it.  (Bringing him unusual gifts from faraway places, however, will delight him and help to ease that regret.)

     Freddie will also enjoy positive and friendly relationships with any siblings he might have, with aunts, uncles, and extended family, and with people in his neighborhood.  At least one or two of these people will be his special "angels," providing him with considerable support and faith over the years.

Planet Kiddie


Report and Text © Copyright Moira Collins Griffin
and Cosmic Patterns Software, Inc.
The content of this report is protected by Copyright law.
By purchasing this report you agree to comply with this Copyright.

     This astrological portrait of your child is intended to give you insight into his unique gifts and challenges. Much of a child's behavior which may puzzle or stymie his parents are quite normal, common "developmental stages" of childhood, and there are a number of fine books available on the subject which illuminate the predictable stages that children experience as they unfold. In addition to the universal patterns, each child is an individual with particular qualities, potentials, and needs, and an understanding of these can help you parent your child more wisely and effectively. Acceptance and appreciation for a child's basic nature, and an awareness of the places where there might be stress or difficulties for your child, can be important allies in your parenting.

     You will find that the interpretation of your child's chart is written in simple language, uncluttered by astrological jargon. If a statement appears to contradict another statement, then he exhibits these opposite qualities at different times in his life. For example, a statement that he is highly sociable and gregarious and a statement that you prefer solitude seemingly contradict each other; this means that he vacillates, and needs both sociability and solitude at different times.

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The positions of the planets at birth and other technical information
is provided below for the benefit of students of astrology:

Sun     16 Leo 19               Pluto     3 Cap 07
Moon     0 Leo 14               N. Node  11 Cap 37
Mercury 13 Vir 32               Asc.     28 Sag 43
Venus    1 Lib 53               MC       16 Lib 58
Mars     6 Lib 09               2nd cusp  4 Aqu 14
Jupiter  2 Ari 58               3rd cusp 12 Pis 45
Saturn   1 Lib 38               5th cusp 14 Tau 20
Uranus   0 Ari 08               6th cusp  7 Gem 09
Neptune 27 Aqu 36

Tropical  Placidus   Daylight Savings Time observed
GMT: 23:46:00   Time Zone: 8 hours West
Lat. and Long. of birth: 34 N 03 08 118 W 14 34

Aspects and orbs:
Conjunction: 7 Deg 00 Min
Opposition : 5 Deg 00 Min
Square     : 5 Deg 00 Min
Trine      : 5 Deg 00 Min
Sextile    : 4 Deg 00 Min


     The RISING SIGN in the birthchart (also known as the Ascendant) shows how this child faces life, his basic attitude or stance toward the world, the way he comes across, and how he appears to others.

Sagittarius Rising:

     An eager explorer, restless wanderer, high-spirited and energetic adventurer, this child is bound to keep you on the go. Even from a very young age, he is very curious and hates to be contained in any way. As a baby, he will need a great deal of motion (bouncing, going for outings in his stroller, being carried in a backpack), and later on when he is mobile himself, you may have a hard time keeping up with him. He needs plenty of space to dance, prance, gallop, cavort, and generally release his overflowing energy. He can be quite boisterous and wild in his play and he often has no sense of self-restraint or moderation. He is a bit of a daredevil, and if it has never been done before, he wants to do it. He can also be rather overwhelming to quieter, more cautious children, but on the other hand, his liveliness and good cheer tends to be contagious. He brings out the playfulness in other people.

     There is an open, welcoming friendliness about him that others find quite appealing. He seems to expect good times, and he enjoys sharing them. He likes having many playmates, and while he may have a favorite, he does not like to be limited or held back by anyone. In fact, he balks at restrictions of any kind, and finding a balance between giving him free rein to express himself and setting reasonable limits, is likely to be an ongoing challenge for you. When you want him to do something, you must enlist his cooperation and appeal to his higher instincts and strong sense of fair play. Commands and heavy displays of authority will create much resentment and resistance in him, but if you treat him with respect, he will generally respond admirable.

     Freddie is unflinchingly truthful, also, and his blunt honesty can be both refreshing and appalling at times. He sees right through hypocrisy and pretenses and he is not shy about pointing them out. He will probably need some gentle schooling in the art of diplomacy and of protecting people's feelings. His good humor and good will are obvious, however, and therefore many people do not take offense at what otherwise might be a real blow!

Asc. Square Venus:

     Freddie has a strong desire for beauty and pleasantness in his environment. He also likes to make a pleasing impression on others, and is very concerned with his physical appearance and the impact he makes on the world. He may be rather vain. Positively, though, he is quite agreeable, personable, and willing to set aside personal preferences for the sake of harmony with his friends.

Asc. Square Jupiter:

     Generally, Freddie is good-humored, open, and positive, and he makes friends and contacts with people easily. He has a helpful, tolerant, and generous attitude that inspires others to like and trust him..

     He does have a tendency to exaggerate or to be overly optimistic; and sometimes, he promises (with good intentions) far more than he is able to really do.

Asc. Square Saturn:

     Freddie may have an overly serious, pessimistic, or judgmental attitude that restricts his self-expression. He needs to build his self-confidence. He also needs to learn to be more open with others, as he is inclined to put up barriers between himself and the world, and he will discover that other people are not nearly as critical of him as he is of himself.

Asc. Square Uranus:

     Freddie can be high-strung, erratic, or nervous at times. There is an electric, dynamic quality about him, and he may not be especially reliable. He acts spontaneously, on impulse. He also resists conforming to rules and conventions imposed by others.

Asc. Sextile Neptune:

     Freddie seems to empathize and understand other people in a sensitive, intuitive way. He is receptive and inclined to simply take in or melt into his surroundings, rather than making a forceful, assertive impact on the world.

     He is imaginative and possibly quite creative also.

Asc. Conjunct Pluto:

     Quietly strong-willed and intense, Freddie sometimes discomforts others by his inscrutability and intensity. He may be something of a loner, as he dislikes superficiality and has little interest in light social interactions. He likes to get to the bottom of things and will often ask difficult or profound questions, probing until he gets answers.


     The SUN in the birthchart represents who this child is at heart, his primary thrust in life, and what path he needs to follow in order to fulfill himself as a unique individual. It indicates who he is inside rather than the way he appears (which is shown more clearly by the Rising Sign).

Sun in Leo:

     Freddie is very concerned with becoming a person of distinction and importance, and as a child this is likely to be expressed as a great need for special recognition, attention, praise, and applause. He relishes the limelight, loves to be made much of, and will positively glow with delight when he is the center of attention. Above all else he cannot tolerate being ignored or considered mediocre, "just one of the crowd." He possesses an inherent sense of dignity and pride, and he wants to be outstanding and special. He is also strong-willed, definitely a force to be reckoned with. Unless you want a small dictator on your hands, you will often have to be very firm with him. He is very stubborn and persistent when he wants something, and you will have to be equally so. But even though he is likely to strongly resist your rules or disciplinary actions at times, he will also secretly admire you for it if you are truly just and do not violate his sense of self-respect. Humiliate him and he will never forgive you. And he has a real horror of being embarrassed in front of others.

     In a group of children, Freddie is inclined to be at the hub of the action. He has the ability to organize, direct, and lead others, but as a child he can also be rather overbearing, and he tends to dominate less sturdy children. On the other hand he looks up to older children or adults that win his respect, and he is inclined to have heroes, shining examples, people he wants to emulate. He needs to have positive models to inspire him to be his best.

     One of his most appealing qualities is his warm-heartedness. He is very generous and loyal in his affections, and if you love him, he will wholeheartedly adore you in return. He also has a very playful, exuberant, fun-loving side which is likely to last throughout his life.

Sun in 8th house:

     Even as a young child, Freddie will be intrigued by things which are mysterious, hidden, or "taboo," and he may make embarrassing or awkward inquiries about people's sex lives, finances, and other private matters--including beliefs about death and the possibility of an afterlife.  If he's raised in a home where such probing curiosity is unwelcome, he'll probably become secretive; even in a fairly open and communicative atmosphere, he may keep a lot to himself.  He's a deeper person than many of his contemporaries.


     MERCURY represents thinking and reasoning processes, the way your child's mind works, his intellectual inclinations and way of communicating ideas.

Mercury in Virgo:

     Freddie's mind is clear, critical, and precise, and he pays meticulous attention to details. He dissects each idea presented to him, picking it apart in order to study it. He is also skillful with his hands and may enjoy handicrafts, needlework, and the like.

Mercury in 9th house:

     A born philosopher, Freddie questions the meaning of life and incessantly asks "why?"  Traveling to all corners of the earth is one of his dreams, and wherever he goes he'll seek another piece of the puzzle.  Higher education is definitely for him, but he may have trouble concentrating on subjects that he doesn't consider meaningful.


     The MOON in the birthchart indicates how he deals with and expresses feelings, how he experiences the world on an emotional, feeling, non-verbal level, what his emotional needs are, and what he needs to feel secure, comfortable and at ease.

Moon in Leo:

     Warm, sunny, cheerful, and something of a "ham," this child thrives on being the center of attention. He loves having an audience and he is likely to have some boisterous attention-grabbing techniques that are none too subtle, if he feels he is being ignored.

     "Notice me!  Love me!  Tell me I'm wonderful!" may well be the underlying message of much of his behavior. He simply suffers if his special quality, his uniqueness, and his abilities are not noticed and appreciated. If he is given any encouragement at all, he will do his utmost to stand out, to be the best. He has a deep inner sense of nobility and pride and he very much needs respect, as well as the love and affection all children require. (Never ridicule or make fun of him, especially in public.)  Given plenty of praise and love, no child will be more devoted, adoring, wholeheartedly loving, and affectionate than he is.

     On the other hand, if he is lavished with adulation and made too much of, he is likely to become rather narcissistic, and to have a lop-sided sense of his own importance, so you will need to achieve a fine balance.

     There is a natural performer in him, and he needs to have a medium through which to express his dramatic, creative side, a place where he can really shine out.

     Also, he likes to make his own choices and decisions, and this should be allowed for as much as possible. Try not to engage him in power struggles over matters that are really not so important. He can be intensely persistent and willful!
Moon in 7th house:

     Freddie truly depends on his friends to be there for him, and he, in turn, takes care of them and is fiercely loyal.  He may feel lost and at loose ends when playmates are unavailable, and losing a friend (whether through relocating or through a falling out) is deeply distressing.  He gets very attached to his companions and friends.  One of his best and closest friends may be a sibling.

Moon Trine Jupiter:

     Freddie has a buoyant, cheerful disposition, and having him around tends to bring others up. He is very generous and open, in a natural, easy-going sort of way, and he attracts many benefits and opportunities in life simply because of his friendliness. However, he is also inclined to let luck take care of him, and he may not push himself hard enough to develop his potential.

Moon Trine Uranus:

     Freddie likes to feel very free and uninhibited, and he will enjoy taking risks, riding roller coasters, surfing, or doing other things that thrill and excite him emotionally.

     He also has an independent streak, and he does not like to feel that he is under anyone's domination.

Moon Sextile Venus:

     Freddie has an affectionate, loving disposition, and he needs people and emotional closeness very much. He is inclined to depend on his friends and loved ones, and to be very supportive and devoted to them in return. He likes to make people comfortable and at ease. Home will always be very important to him.

Moon Sextile Saturn:

     Freddie prefers an orderly, organized, fairly structured environment, and he feels uncomfortable with too much unpredictability or chaos around him. Excessive displays of emotion or sentimentality also put him off somewhat, and he is careful about showing his own feelings.


     VENUS represents the way your child gives and receives affection, makes friends, and socializes. It also indicates artistic or creative inclinations.

Venus in Libra:

     Freddie has a considerate, thoughtful way about him, and he makes special efforts to cooperate, accommodate, and harmonize with others. He enjoys being with people and may feel at loose ends without a playmate. He is very well-liked and does not like to do anything to offend anyone, even when that means compromising on something that is important to him.

Venus in 9th house:

     Freddie has a broadminded view of love and friendship.  When he is older he may want to travel the world, making friends and enjoying other cultures.  "The family of man" makes a lot of sense to him and accords with his desire for harmony between people.  Prejudice or the denigration of foreign customs and beliefs is utterly abhorrent to him.

Venus Conjunct Mars:

     Freddie has such a strong desire for love and affection that he may come on too strong or be excessively demanding of his friends and loved ones. He also has a craving for beauty and doing artistic work; having some avenue for creative self-expression is important for him.

Venus Conjunct Saturn:

     Freddie is rather restrained and careful about expressing affection, and he does not make friends easily. Because he is sensitive about being excluded or rejected, he may protect himself by being aloof. He is likely to have just a few close friends rather than a large social circle. He is drawn to adults or to children who are older than he is, as he often feels his peers are silly or immature.

Venus Opposition Jupiter:

     Freddie is a very generous, openly giving person, and he loves to be with people and to have a good time. Often he does not know when to stop, and he can be overly indulgent, wasteful, or too extravagant. And sometimes he wants so much to help or cheer someone up that he makes promises he cannot keep.

Venus Opposition Uranus:

     Freddie chooses friends that are eccentric, unusual, or a bit wild, and he likes to do things that are exciting, daring, and a little crazy with his playmates. He has an independent streak and can suddenly turn cool toward a person if they try to possess him or limit his freedom. He may be unreliable toward friends or seem to be attracted to people who are not reliable toward him.

Venus Square Pluto:

     Freddie can be insatiable for affection and love, and he makes a lot of demands on his friends and loved ones. His love needs and feelings are very intense. Jealousy, possessiveness, or trying to control others can be problems for him at times. He sometimes acts irrationally when his feelings have been stirred.


     MARS represents your child's drive, ambition, will, energy level, and ability to assert himself.

Mars in Libra:

     Freddie hesitates to act decisively and assertively unless he has the support and approval of others. Sometimes he is very pushy or argumentative in his effort to get others to agree with him and give him the go-ahead.

Mars in 9th house:

     When it comes to his beliefs and convictions, Freddie will stand up for himself.  He can also be self-righteous and preachy, which may be amusing to others when he's young, but not as he gets older.  Having a cause or an ideal to fight for stirs him up and gets him moving as nothing else will.

Mars Conjunct Saturn:

     Freddie either lacks confidence or he feels that whenever he openly asserts himself and his desires, he gets knocked down. It is important to encourage him to go after what he wants and not to place heavy, burdensome expectations upon him. If his will is blocked consistently, he is likely to store up much anger and resentment.

Mars Opposition Jupiter:

     Freddie has a great deal of exuberant, restless, rambunctious energy, and he just does not know what to do with it all at times. His vitality seems exhaustless at times, and he often cannot set limits or contain himself. He tends to have big, even grandiose, ambitions in life.

Mars Square Pluto:

     Intensely strong-willed and sometimes very dominating, Freddie is likely to meet with great opposition to his aims and ambitions. His passionate commitment and forcefulness often threatens people. He has an extraordinary amount of energy, drive, and strength, and is likely to try to overpower people or use anger as a way to control situations. If he learns to temper his willfulness with a regard for others, he is likely to accomplish a great deal.


     JUPITER in the birth chart reveals the child's future aspirations, and how he seeks to grow and improve himself.  It also indicates areas of natural confidence, success, or "luck."

Jupiter in Aries:

     Freddie has a deep-seated belief that "God helps those who help themselves," and he admires self-reliant risk-takers--any child or adult who has the guts to "go for it!"  Instinctively understanding the importance of courage and faith in oneself, he shies away from "groupies" or followers.  Not wishing to be one of the sheep, he will resist succumbing to peer pressure.  He also has a healthy, well-developed sense of competition: He feels good about himself when he really tries, and even better when he wins!  He aspires to be a leader (or a successful free-lancer) and should be encouraged along those lines.  Solo activities, from building his own tree fort to setting up a sidewalk lemonade stand, will build his confidence and give him joy.  It is essential that parents and other caregivers not interfere or "help" too much.  He seeks to grow through positive, self-motivated action.

Jupiter in 3rd house:

     Freddie is apt to be a voracious reader and he'll love adventure stories and books which spark his interest in foreign lands and cultures.  Traveling will be one of the joys of his life, something he longs to do.  He'll be eager to accompany parents on their journeys, and if he must be left behind he'll truly regret it.  (Bringing him unusual gifts from faraway places, however, will delight him and help to ease that regret.)

     Freddie will also enjoy positive and friendly relationships with any siblings he might have, with aunts, uncles, and extended family, and with people in his neighborhood.  At least one or two of these people will be his special "angels," providing him with considerable support and faith over the years.

Jupiter Conjunct Uranus:

     Tolerant, freethinking, and open minded toward a diversity of opinions and beliefs, this child would naturally thrive in an atmosphere of intellectual freedom.  He may not reject traditional religious tenets outright, but he most certainly wont be limited by them.  He seeks to grow by exploring and experimenting with unconventional, progressive, or unique combinations of traditional and nontraditional belief systems.  He is also apt to be unusually "lucky" at various times in his life.

Jupiter Opposition Saturn:

     Freddie seesaws at times between hope and doubt, confidence and insecurity, and he needs solid, consistent support to help him find his wings.  He feels strengthened by learning organizational or practical skills, and unlike most children perhaps, he longs for and seeks out parental guidance. He's quite sensitive to criticism and critiques however, so beware of anything resembling a rebuke.

Jupiter Square Pluto:

     Freddie may well be interested in MEGA success and should be encouraged to count (rather than discount) his small victories and achievements.  He wants to see how he can influence the world in a broad way, and so would be interested in organizations that make change, like PETA perhaps, or some environmental group, or any other organization aligned with his values.  Even at a young age he can be something of a zealot. Parents and teachers should not underestimate or dissuade him from his seemingly impossible quests.


     The position of SATURN in your child's birth chart indicates the areas in which he is especially insecure, about which he is most serious, and/or in which he works hardest or is hardest on himself.  It also reveals those weaknesses which, through effort, may become his greatest strengths.

Saturn in Libra:

     Because Freddie often feels that even insignificant choices and decisions are heavy matters, he can have difficulty making decisions.  He gets caught up in sifting, weighing, balancing, and comparing.  Pressing him to reach a conclusion before he had time to consider the various options distresses him, so on minor matters it may be easiest for parents to decide what's best.

     Freddie also frequently feels that caring for other people is a big responsibility.  If he's given the task of caring for a younger sibling or doing some errand or household job for a parent, he'll try his best, but he won't enjoy it much.  The responsibility will weigh on him, though he may not say so.  He takes arguments between other people quite seriously, and he won't readily forgive a broken promise--even if it was given on the most tentative basis.  He has very strict inner rules about how people "should" behave toward one another, and if a friend disappoints him, he may withdraw from the relationship.  In fact, he'll sometimes feel that other people are just too much trouble.  He may seesaw between feeling lonely and wanting to be left alone.

     On the positive side, he has a strong, impartial sense of fairness, and great dedication to fulfilling commitments and obligations toward others.  On the negative side, he'll sometimes feel misunderstood, disappointed, and burdened by the need to cooperate with other people.

Saturn in 9th house:

     Accepting other people's beliefs, faith, or outlook on life won't always be easy for Freddie.  Unless he's encouraged to be tolerant and open-minded, he may limit his experience considerably because of this lack of imagination or inability to visualize different ways of seeing and doing things.  Becoming personally acquainted with people whose cultures or religions differ from his own can help to break down barriers and prevent the development of a narrow, insular attitude.

Saturn Opposition Uranus:

     Freddie could have more than run in with the Authorities (the school principal, for instance) because he sometimes likes to break rules, stir up a little controversy, or get the goat of his favorite "tyrant". The truth is, he really chaffs against restrictions of any kind and sometimes his resentment of them (especially seemingly mindless or meaningless rules) reaches the boiling point.  As a young child this may occassionally take the form of a fierce kind of obstinance, and in adolescence some rather stormy times.

Saturn Square Pluto:

     At times, Freddie is prone to feeling like an outsider, alone and apart.  On the other hand, he has the capacity for tremendous self reliance and endurance in the face of little or no support, like a cactus blooming in the desert.  He can be just as rigid and thorny at times too!  It's important to help him feel that he is a part of things, without forcing him into being sociable with people he doesn't feel at ease with.  However gregarious he may or may not be, sometimes he just isn't.


     The Lunar Nodes are points formed by the moon's orbit around the Earth intersecting with the Earth's path around the Sun. These sensitive "power points" in our child's chart give vital information about those areas of life experience that he will instinctively be drawn to in order to fulfill his life purposes, as well as qualities he needs to develop and express in order to do so. They show where he can be most successful as he unfolds his natural talent

North Node in 1st House in Capricorn:

     Freddie's path in life requires that he focus on pursuing his own personal interests, desires, and inner directives. He must resist the pull of excessive concern over other people's approval or disapproval of him. Freddie is meant to be a solo act, and therefore the more he concentrates on his own development (whether material or spiritual), the more he fulfills his destiny. He makes a contribution to life by focusing on his own individuality and being himself as fully as he can, even if this appears egotistical or overly self-involved to others. As a parent or caring elder in his life, you may be able to encourage him along these lines by paying attention to what he is drawn to and allowing him to go his own way

     The qualities Freddie needs in order to succeed in this endeavor are a responsible attitude and willingness to make commitments and stick with them. He has a gift for creating order also.


     The slow-moving planets Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto represent the ideals, changes, and impulses of an entire generation. While the descriptions below may or may not describe your child as an individual, they will tell you about the climate of the times and the underlying issues and challenges of your child's age group.

     For instance, when Neptune (which represents one's spiritual ideals, dreams, aspirations, fantasies and illusions) passed through the egalitarian and harmony-loving sign of Libra (from 1943-1957), the children who would grow into the "flower children," hippies, and supporters of the peace movement were born. Not every person born during that time became a hippie or identified themselves with the peace movement, but certainly they were affected by the feeling-tone and ideals of their age group and the times they grew up in. Thus, the following information is intended to give you insight into the important motifs and issues of your child's generation.

     URANUS indicates where the impulse for change, innovation, liberation from the past, and experimentation with new forms is the strongest. It is where the status quo is disrupted or uprooted to make way for something new. Sudden inspiration and invention are also represented by Uranus.

Uranus in Aries:

     FREEDOM for the individual is of utmost importance to this age group. They are some of the most extreme when it comes to following their own inner spark as opposed to adhering to the rules or guidelines imposed by outside authority. They are infused with a powerful spirit of adventurous freedom, self reliance, and revolution, and are in no way passive if their personal freedoms are impinged upon. Many will be seen as incendiary troublemakers.

Uranus in 3rd house:

     Freddie thinks and learns in unusual ways. His mind is inspired and she grasps concepts whole, but it may be difficult for him to understand or explain his ideas in a linear way. He is interested in new thought and leading edge ideas in any field. Quick, lively, active presentations of material, and an approach that encourages his to think for himself and invent new solutions will work best for him.

Uranus Square Pluto:

     Born during a period of massive change and disruption in the world, Freddie is part of a group of souls destined to undergo radical severance from many of the old ways of life.  Because of this, many of them will hold tightly to whatever security they can find, and be quite resistant to change in their worlds.  Some, however, will be deeply iconoclastic and instigators of further transformation of the society they are a part of.

     NEPTUNE represents the quest for the ideal, the dream, for something more sublime. The sign it is passing through at the time of one's birth colors one's spiritual aspirations and ideals, and also indicates where the desire to escape reality, to fantasize, deceive oneself, and become lost in illusion is the strongest.

Neptune in Aquarius:

     This group harbors great hopes for world unity and universal brother and sisterhood. An inner group impulse toward collective awakening and a strongly futuristic, visionary, evolutionary "dream". On the other hand, increasing globalization and impersonalization of daily life is strongly at work in their lives. How to contribute to the whole without becoming a cog in the machine is their quest.

Neptune in 2nd house:

     Freddie is not a very materialistic person at heart, and may be wholly impractical when it comes to money and/or taking care of his belongings.  He can be generous to a fault and give away his things if he believes another person could use them.  It would be wise to encourage balance, moderation, and responsibility in this area, while not squelching his compassionate impulses.  How the world functions in practical terms is likely to be something of a mystery to him and it would be quite helpful if he is taught some of the basics while she is young.

     PLUTO in the birth chart indicates a process of deep change, transformation, and renewal, often through destruction or confrontation with darkness.  This is a process that takes place in society as well as in individuals.  Pluto's position in the birth chart shows where one is compulsive, extreme, or learning key life lessons.

Pluto in Capricorn:

     Those born during these years (2008-2023) struggle to transform corruption, greed, and the control of power and natural resources in the world around them. Large, impersonal institutions and the heavy handed authoritarianism that breaks them up will be challenged by these children as they grow up. They will be profoundly influenced by witnessing the way power is wielded by their fathers and other authorities they encounter. Cynicism and upheaval may result if integrity, wisdom, and a positive use of masculine strength is not modeled for these children.

Pluto in 1st house:

     Freddie can be quite a force to be reckoned with as he embodies and identifies with many of the characteristics described above. He takes life and himself quite seriously and throws himself into his activities with his whole heart and soul.  His quiet intensity and wilfulness may put some people off at times.  One thing to remember with this child is that he may not "smile for the camera" when you want him to.