Prince George's Kiddiegram Horoscope Wheel
As promised, here is Prince George's Kiddiegram
with some tidbits from his "gram" talking about the Jupiter aspects in his chart.
JUPITER in the birth chart reveals the child's future aspirations, and how he seeks to grow and improve himself. It also indicates areas of natural confidence, success, or "luck."
Jupiter in Cancer:
Family and continuity with the past are very important to George, and no matter what his aspirations, he will never willingly grow away from his people. He will want to learn as much as possible about his family tree, his origins and ancestors. Being a part of an ongoing tradition--part of a tribe, so to speak--gives him confidence and strength. Visiting the homes of distant relatives would delight him.
Even though he's devoted to his family, his emotional generosity and sympathies extend beyond his immediate circle. He wants everyone to be "family," and will gladly accept schoolmates, camp buddies, and friends as such. His nurturing, protective feelings are strong and he's very caring toward other children (especially younger ones) and toward pets--indeed, toward anyone in need of support.
Jupiter in 8th house:
George is deeply curious about the mysteries of life and death, the afterlife, and the supernatural, as well as the inner workings of people. As a young child, he'll ask a lot of probing questions about "taboo" subjects like sex or death, not out of fear but merely because he's fascinated. He'll enjoy learning how various cultures view such things--how and why the Egyptians mummified their dead, for instance, or what the Hindus believe about reincarnation. And he'll surprise the adults in his circle with his precocious insights and wisdom about such matters. He understands, much more than one might expect, about why people behave as they do, and in his later life this will give him a great advantage in dealing with people and forming cooperative partnerships.
Jupiter Opposition Pluto:
George is quite a zealot (at least about certain things) and he'll be passionately dedicated to his causes and beliefs. He seeks to grow through intensity and destroying perceived limitations. Especially in youth, he may be pushy and self-righteous - or just very sure of his convictions.
Jupiter Trine Saturn:
As a child, George is apt to have an unusual degree of maturity, composure, poise, and conscientiousness which make him something of a favorite among his elders. One of the ways he seeks to grow is through learning and carrying on a tradition. Useful skills passed on by a parent or grandparent will be highly valued and carried forward by him.
Jupiter Trine Neptune:
George seeks to grow by having faith and trusting in the unseen forces to provide for and assist him. Mostly this will work in his favor, but at times he expects God to do all the work and he could be to passive and unrealistic at times. He's a very generous soul and enjoys helping other children, animals, and others who are vulnerable or in need.
This astrological portrait of your child is intended to give you insight into his unique gifts and challenges. Much of a child's behavior which may puzzle or stymie his parents are quite normal, common "developmental stages" of childhood, and there are a number of fine books available on the subject which illuminate the predictable stages that children experience as they unfold. In addition to the universal patterns, each child is an individual with particular qualities, potentials, and needs, and an understanding of these can help you parent your child more wisely and effectively. Acceptance and appreciation for a child's basic nature, and an awareness of the places where there might be stress or difficulties for your child, can be important allies in your parenting.
You will find that the interpretation of your child's chart is written in simple language, uncluttered by astrological jargon. If a statement appears to contradict another statement, then he exhibits these opposite qualities at different times in his life. For example, a statement that he is highly sociable and gregarious and a statement that you prefer solitude seemingly contradict each other; this means that he vacillates, and needs both sociability and solitude at different times.
The positions of the planets at birth and other technical information
is provided below for the benefit of students of astrology:
Sun 29 Can 59 Pluto 9 Cap 47
Moon 28 Cap 17 N. Node 13 Sco 40
Mercury 13 Can 32 Asc. 27 Sco 11
Venus 0 Vir 08 MC 20 Vir 37
Mars 6 Can 07 2nd cusp 29 Sag 25
Jupiter 5 Can 58 3rd cusp 11 Aqu 11
Saturn 4 Sco 59 5th cusp 19 Ari 38
Uranus 12 Ari 31 6th cusp 10 Tau 39
Neptune 4 Pis 52
Tropical Placidus Daylight Savings Time observed
GMT: 15:24:00 Time Zone: 0 hours West
Lat. and Long. of birth: 51 N 30 0 W 10
Aspects and orbs:
Conjunction: 7 Deg 00 Min
Opposition : 5 Deg 00 Min
Square : 5 Deg 00 Min
Trine : 5 Deg 00 Min
Sextile : 4 Deg 00 Min
The RISING SIGN in the birthchart (also known as the Ascendant) shows how this child faces life, his basic attitude or stance toward the world, the way he comes across, and how he appears to others.
Scorpio Rising:
Though outwardly rather quiet, reserved, or unexpressive, one senses much depth and strength of will within this child. Highly observant and sensitive to nuances and emotional undercurrents, he sees and understands much but often is not able to verbalize it. He has strong, deep feelings but, especially as a young child, he will find it very hard to tell you his feelings or to be objective about them. Sometimes he will release great outpourings of hurt, anger, or other emotions that you did not realize he had pent-up inside him. He seems to thrive on emotional intensity and drama, and he will probably prefer movies or the old fairy tales in which there are terrible battles and passionate emotions rather than the lighter fare that other children prefer. He needs outlets for his own stormy feelings at times, and helping him find acceptable ways for him to do this is one of your tasks as his parents.
George can be something of an enigma, even to you. He loves secrets, mysteries, and hidden things, and he needs a good deal of privacy. Having his own room or a quiet place of his own is very important to him.
An early interest in nature and creatures of all kinds is likely. In fact at times he may feel more rapport with animals than with people, and he will have a very close relationship with any pet he is given. Native American lore, and their way of life with its emphasis on relying on instincts and being part of the elemental world, is likely to hold much fascination and appeal for him. He tends to respond to the world and to situations he meets in life in an instinctive, emotional, intuitive, and very subjective way, rather than logically. He may have trouble coming up with reasons for why he feels as he does.
Also, he has a great capacity for concentration and is inclined to become completely immersed and wholeheartedly involved in whatever he is interested in. He is quite willful and persistent in a quiet way, and he will not be swayed from his purposes. When he wants something, his determination can be fierce!
Asc. Trine Sun:
George is expressive and enjoys showing what he can do. He likes to be seen and seems to need to be in the limelight, performing publicly or demonstrating his talents in some way.
He also has a strong sense of pride and does not readily show his weaknesses or inadequacies to anyone.
Asc. Sextile Moon:
George makes friends a second family, and it's very important to him to feel a sense of belonging and community, and to be an accepted part of a group. He instinctively understands what it takes to get along, how to treat people, and what others want and need. At times he is apt to go along with the crowd because he would rather not create any friction, both with family and with peers. He has a natural sensitivity that sometimes makes her a bit too yielding.
Asc. Square Venus:
George has a strong desire for beauty and pleasantness in his environment. He also likes to make a pleasing impression on others, and is very concerned with his physical appearance and the impact he makes on the world. He may be rather vain. Positively, though, he is quite agreeable, personable, and willing to set aside personal preferences for the sake of harmony with his friends.
The SUN in the birth chart represents who this child is at heart, his primary thrust in life, and what path he needs to follow in order to fulfill himself as a unique individual. It indicates who he is inside rather than the way he appears (which is shown more clearly by the Rising Sign).
Sun in Cancer:
At heart, George is a very emotional and sympathetic person who is highly sensitive to the feeling tone and subtle atmosphere surrounding him. He cries easily and often seems swept up by the ebb and flow of constantly fluctuating emotions. He instinctively seeks a safe harbor to retreat to, a private place that feels safe and protected, which is most often his mother or his home.
He is very attached to his family and to the beloved, familiar things of home, and he may be loathe to venture away from them for very long, especially when he is quite young. A natural shyness or reticence to open himself to strangers will be in evidence quite early, and he should not be pushed into sociability or a false show of "bravery." Allow him to set his own pace in meeting the world. Though his attachment to you may be thought of as "clingy" or "overly dependent," it is best to reassure him and to very gently encourage him to overcome his fears. Eventually, given plenty of support and the knowledge that you will indeed always be there to go back to, he will leave the nest quite happily.
George has a very nurturing, loving, protective side and he naturally responds to others' needs for comfort and care. Having pets or even a garden to tend will make him quite contented. He is also likely to be an enthusiastic chef and should be allowed to help with the cooking as much as possible. Food will always play an important role in his life, as a means to give and receive emotional sustenance as well as physical nourishment. You should take care not to substitute food for emotional comfort (i.e. "He hurt your feelings? Let's have some milk and cookies and forget all about it. . ."). This could easily become a habit of his that would be difficult to break later in life.
In fact, the habits that he creates in childhood are likely to stay with him throughout his life, and the attitudes and behaviors he absorbs now will always influence him strongly. He has an excellent memory, also.
Sun in 8th house:
Even as a young child, George will be intrigued by things which are mysterious, hidden, or "taboo," and he may make embarrassing or awkward inquiries about people's sex lives, finances, and other private matters--including beliefs about death and the possibility of an afterlife. If he's raised in a home where such probing curiosity is unwelcome, he'll probably become secretive; even in a fairly open and communicative atmosphere, he may keep a lot to himself. He's a deeper person than many of his contemporaries.
Sun Opposition Moon:
As you read the above interpretation of George's sun sign, and compare it to the description of his moon sign on the following page, you may note distinct differences and possibly contradictions. This is because there are different sides to him, and they may well conflict or pull him in opposite directions.
You will notice as he grows up that he befriends people who are very different or polar opposite to him in some basic ways. It is as if he needs other people to reflect the other side of him. (For instance, if he is very neat and precise, he will be drawn to people who are disorganized.) Born around the time of the full moon, he is likely to be particularly active or strongly emotional each month when the moon is full.
MERCURY represents thinking and reasoning processes, the way your child's mind works, his intellectual inclinations and way of communicating ideas.
Mercury in Cancer:
George's mind is like a sponge, quietly absorbing the thoughts and opinions of those around him, and he has a very retentive memory. He is very subjective in his opinions and perceptions of the world; he is more intuitive than linear and rational in his thinking.
Mercury in 8th house:
This child has a probing mind, and he'll query his elders about the mysteries of life from a very tender age. The life and death cycles of animals, how crystals are formed, whether or not there is an afterlife--all of the unfathomables fascinate him. For entertainment, offer him books or films about spies, detectives, psychological mysteries, the supernatural, and horror.
Mercury Opposition Pluto:
George holds strong opinions and convictions, and he can be quite zealous to convert people to his point of view. Sometimes he is gripped by an idea and cannot let go of it. Secrets, hidden matters, and unsolved mysteries hold a powerful fascination for him.
Mercury Square Uranus:
George has an inventive, creative, original way of thinking and is apt to be suddenly inspired with a new idea or way of understanding a problem. He is likely to come up with unusual solutions to problems, but his mind works in an intuitive, non-linear way, and he cannot always give a logical explanation for his ideas. He is often bored and restless in a conventional, highly predictable, structured learning environment. Hastiness or nervousness can be a problem at times.
The MOON in the birth chart indicates how he deals with and expresses feelings, how he experiences the world on an emotional, feeling, non-verbal level, what his emotional needs are, and what he needs to feel secure, comfortable and at ease.
Moon in Capricorn:
George is an industrious, rather serious, practical little person, not the light, frivolous, happy-go-lucky type. To feel secure, he needs structure and a clearly defined set of rules and boundaries. He finds comfort in rituals and traditions (both the small, personal kind like having the same breakfast every Sunday morning, to important family traditions like celebrating holidays in the same way each year.) He is not an especially trusting soul, and one needs to prove that they are steady and reliable before he will feel really comfortable with them. Little things like coming to pick him up exactly when you said you would mean a lot to him. He likes to know what to expect.
He appreciates order and is often uneasy with the sort of wild, chaotic, free-flowing, rambunctious play that some children relish.
Conscientious and mature even in youth, George can be relied upon to keep his commitments. Sometimes his "obligations" weigh heavily upon him, however, and life seems like serious business indeed, so try not to expect too much or burden him with more responsibility than is really necessary.
Unsentimental and rather uncomfortable with feelings and emotional needs (his own or others'), George may not let you know how much he depends on you and how much he needs your warmth, protection, and love. He may seem rather aloof at times. He is reserved about letting people get close to him, afraid that somehow he will not be acceptable or will not measure up. He often judges himself harshly and seems to need to prove his worth by achieving some task or goal he sets for himself. It is very important for him to know that you love and value him for himself, and not only for his accomplishments.
Moon in 2nd house:
Favorite possessions and familiar things--quilts, toys, and so on--enhance George's sense of security. Long after he's stopped using them, he'll want to keep them because of all the emotional energy he's invested in them. He can become a pack-rat, and his living space may become cluttered with cherished items he's loathe to discard. For the most part this harmless quirk should be indulged. However, he should perhaps be discouraged from displacing emotional needs onto material items (like an unhappy person who buys a new hat to cheer himself up). A trip to the toy store should not become his response to all of life's woes!
VENUS represents the way your child gives and receives affection, makes friends, and socializes. It also indicates artistic or creative inclinations.
Venus in Virgo:
George is discriminating in his choice of friends, and he may seem rather shy or modest when it comes to making friends. He likes to do things for others. Helping and serving are ways he shows his affection.
Venus in 9th house:
George has a broadminded view of love and friendship. When he is older he may want to travel the world, making friends and enjoying other cultures. "The family of man" makes a lot of sense to him and accords with his desire for harmony between people. Prejudice or the denigration of foreign customs and beliefs is utterly abhorrent to him.
Venus Opposition Neptune:
George often does not see people as they really are. He is inclined to overlook the darker side of people and expect them to be angels, only to become disillusioned when he really gets to know them.
He is also very sensitive to beauty and has strong artistic inclinations.
MARS represents your child's drive, ambition, will, energy level, and ability to assert himself.
Mars in Cancer:
George will rarely initiate a fight or a confrontation, and he is uncomfortable with aggressive competition. He often goes after what he wants in an indirect or subtle way. He may have stomach upsets when he is afraid to confront something or assert his will.
Mars in 8th house:
George is whole hearted and intense about getting what he wants, and he tends to be difficult to dissuade or reason with. When he has a goal in mind, he may push himself past his limits and injure himself, or fight ferociously with anyone who has something else in mind. This determination can be admirable and useful, but, in a youngster, such willfulness can be a major challenge to his guiding elders.
Mars Conjunct Jupiter:
George has a lot of confidence and belief in himself, and he tends to aim high. He is sometimes overly optimistic about what he can achieve and will bite off more than he can chew. He is always ready to "go for it." He has an abundance of energy.
Mars Opposition Pluto:
When he wants something, George is relentless, intensely willful and vigorous in his pursuit of it. He is capable of extraordinary effort, and he needs to have a release for his energy (some very challenging or strenuous work), for otherwise, he is inclined to stir up trouble or to become terribly angry with little provocation.
Mars Trine Saturn:
George is careful, cautious, thorough, and rather conservative in the way he uses his energy. He tries to minimize any risks or element of uncertainty before he acts, and he sometimes loses out by playing it safe. His energy level is steady and consistent.
Mars Trine Neptune:
George has a relaxed, easy-going attitude towards living, and he sees no reason to struggle, fight, or work too hard. He may lack discipline, force, and the will to get ahead by putting his own interests ahead of others'.
JUPITER in the birth chart reveals the child's future aspirations, and how he seeks to grow and improve himself. It also indicates areas of natural confidence, success, or "luck."
Jupiter in Cancer:
Family and continuity with the past are very important to George, and no matter what his aspirations, he will never willingly grow away from his people. He will want to learn as much as possible about his family tree, his origins and ancestors. Being a part of an ongoing tradition--part of a tribe, so to speak--gives him confidence and strength. Visiting the homes of distant relatives would delight him.
Even though he's devoted to his family, his emotional generosity and sympathies extend beyond his immediate circle. He wants everyone to be "family," and will gladly accept schoolmates, camp buddies, and friends as such. His nurturing, protective feelings are strong and he's very caring toward other children (especially younger ones) and toward pets--indeed, toward anyone in need of support.
Jupiter in 8th house:
George is deeply curious about the mysteries of life and death, the afterlife, and the supernatural, as well as the inner workings of people. As a young child, he'll ask a lot of probing questions about "taboo" subjects like sex or death, not out of fear but merely because he's fascinated. He'll enjoy learning how various cultures view such things--how and why the Egyptians mummified their dead, for instance, or what the Hindus believe about reincarnation. And he'll surprise the adults in his circle with his precocious insights and wisdom about such matters. He understands, much more than one might expect, about why people behave as they do, and in his later life this will give him a great advantage in dealing with people and forming cooperative partnerships.
Jupiter Opposition Pluto:
George is quite a zealot (at least about certain things) and he'll be passionately dedicated to his causes and beliefs. He seeks to grow through intensity and destroying perceived limitations. Especially in youth, he may be pushy and self-righteous - or just very sure of his convictions.
Jupiter Trine Saturn:
As a child, George is apt to have an unusual degree of maturity, composure, poise, and conscientousness which make him something of a favorite amongst his elders. One of the ways he seeks to grow is through learning and carrying on a tradition. Useful skills passed on by a parent or grandparent will be highly valued and carried forward by him.
Jupiter Trine Neptune:
George seeks to grow by having faith and trusting in the unseen forces to provide for and assist him. Mostly this will work in his favor, but at times he expects God to do all the work and he could be to passive and unrealistic at times. He's a very generous soul and enjoys helping other children, animals, and others who are vulnerable or in need.
The position of SATURN in your child's birth chart indicates the areas in which he is especially insecure, about which he is most serious, and/or in which he works hardest or is hardest on himself. It also reveals those weaknesses which, through effort, may become his greatest strengths.
Saturn in Scorpio:
Any struggles, fears, or troublesome feelings that George encounters are apt to be kept to himself, but perceptive parents and other caregivers can detect them--usually from his brooding silences or his withdrawal from the social life of the family. This secretiveness may work against him by intensifying his turmoil. Difficult unexpressed emotions, such as jealousy over the birth of a new sibling or anger at a parent, can grow out of all proportion. At times, therefore, he'll feel misunderstood: "Nobody really knows me." The truth is that it can be hard to get to know him, because he doesn't readily trust others. If he has even one confidante--a parent, an aunt or uncle, or another trustworthy adult who will not judge, shame, or "thou-shalt-not" his feelings--it will go a long way toward diffusing his tensions. If not, he is likely to suffer from guilt for his strong, but essentially normal, emotions and reactions.
Saturn in 11th house:
George is apt to close down or become a little insecure in groups, but he's at ease with close friends, with whom he interacts singly or in groups of two or three. Larger social events, at which he feels unable to fit in or lonely amid the crowd, will be very stressful for him until he finds his own niche.
Saturn Trine Neptune:
As he meets obstacles and difficulties, one ally George has is his faith and spirituality. This is something he will tend to take for granted as he doesn't like to discuss it much. A close spiritual connection to a grandfather or grandmother can also be strengthening for him.
The Lunar Nodes are points formed by the moon's orbit around the Earth intersecting with the Earth's path around the Sun. These sensitive "power points" in our child's chart give vital information about those areas of life experience that he will instinctively be drawn to in order to fulfill his life purposes, as well as qualities he needs to develop and express in order to do so. They show where he can be most successful as he unfolds his natural talent
North Node in 12th House in Scorpio:
George's natural way is to do his best work behind the scenes or in seclusion. He needs time to prepare himself and to contact his muse, periods of solitude or minimal social contact, to tap deep wells of creativity, strength, or inner healing. Parents and other people in his life should respect his need for privacy, "down time", and seeming idleness. Sometimes he may feel that he's being neglected, overlooked, or not given credit for his contributions. He may need special support and encouragement from time to time. He is also drawn to the spiritual dimension of life and may find his greatest satisfaction in that path.
The qualities George needs in order to succeed in this endeavor are wholeheartedness, deep feeling, and following his instincts.
The slow-moving planets Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto represent the ideals, changes, and impulses of an entire generation. While the descriptions below may or may not describe your child as an individual, they will tell you about the climate of the times and the underlying issues and challenges of your child's age group.
For instance, when Neptune (which represents one's spiritual ideals, dreams, aspirations, fantasies and illusions) passed through the egalitarian and harmony-loving sign of Libra (from 1943-1957), the children who would grow into the "flower children," hippies, and supporters of the peace movement were born. Not every person born during that time became a hippie or identified themselves with the peace movement, but certainly they were affected by the feeling-tone and ideals of their age group and the times they grew up in. Thus, the following information is intended to give you insight into the important motifs and issues of your child's generation.
URANUS indicates where the impulse for change, innovation, liberation from the past, and experimentation with new forms is the strongest. It is where the status quo is disrupted or uprooted to make way for something new. Sudden inspiration and invention are also represented by Uranus.
Uranus in Aries:
FREEDOM for the individual is of utmost importance to this age group. They are some of the most extreme when it comes to following their own inner spark as opposed to adhering to the rules or guidelines imposed by outside authority. They are infused with a powerful spirit of adventurous freedom, self reliance, and revolution, and are in no way passive if their personal freedoms are impinged upon. Many will be seen as incendiary troublemakers.
Uranus in 4th house:
George's nonconformity and eccentricity may not show on the surface but comes out in private especially at home. Kooky, eclectic decor or an attraction to unorthodox lifestyle is likely. Hi home life may be chaotic, or he may live in many locales during his life, because he is learning how to be free in his soul and too much familiarity and safety doesn't challenge him.
Uranus Square Pluto:
Born during a period of massive change and disruption in the world, George is part of a group of souls destined to undergo radical severance from many of the old ways of life. Because of this, many of them will hold tightly to whatever security they can find, and be quite resistant to change in their worlds. Some, however, will be deeply iconoclastic and instigators of further transformation of the society they are a part of.
NEPTUNE represents the quest for the ideal, the dream, for something more sublime. The sign it is passing through at the time of one's birth colors one's spiritual aspirations and ideals, and also indicates where the desire to escape reality, to fantasize, deceive oneself, and become lost in illusion is the strongest.
Neptune in Pisces:
Profoundly mystical forces are washing over the collective psyche of this group. The life of the soul becomes paramount. Water also becomes a primary concern. Healing waters, fountains, and springs with supernatural powers, as well as being "washed" with the Holy Spirit may play important roles.
Neptune in 3rd house:
George has a rather poetic, imaginative turn of mind and he sometimes has trouble focusing on the immediate or on mundane topics. He learns best when material is presented to him in a colorful or metaphorical way, perhaps through storytelling. Sometimes, however, parents or other caregivers may feel they cannot reason with him, that he drifts off into his own pleasant thoughts or uses fantasy as an escape when his life is difficult or "boring". He can use creative visualization very effectively, and enjoys expressing himself with images and color.
PLUTO in the birth chart indicates a process of deep change, transformation, and renewal, often through destruction or confrontation with darkness. This is a process that takes place in society as well as in individuals. Pluto's position in the birth chart shows where one is compulsive, extreme, or learning key life lessons.
Pluto in Capricorn:
Those born during these years (2008-2023) struggle to transform corruption, greed, and the control of power and natural resources in the world around them. Large, impersonal institutions and the heavy handed authoritarianism that breaks them up will be challenged by these children as they grow up. They will be profoundly influenced by witnessing the way power is wielded by their fathers and other authorities they encounter. Cynicism and upheaval may result if integrity, wisdom, and a positive use of masculine strength is not modeled for these children.
Pluto in 2nd house:
Money, ownership, and material security may be inordinately important to George. He's prone to extremes and excesses - giving everything away or wanting much more that he has. It's important to teach him scrupulous integrity when it comes to money exchange, and to suggest a more moderate and balanced approach to material things in general. Convey to him that his intrinsic worth is not tied to money or what money can buy.