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Friday, August 23, 2013

Lovely Leo Daughter , Harper Estelle Wolfeld Gosk

Jenna Wolfe of the Today Show  and her partner Stephanie Gosk have news to share!
On Wednesday they became the proud parents of Harper Estelle, who was born
at 7:31 pm on Wednesday the 21st of August. Story on

Jenna posted this picture on her twitter account @JennaWolfe

Fell madly in love w Harper Estelle tonight. Thx for the kind words and well wishes. Other than that I'm speechless.

Here is Harper's astrological chart wheel, or horoscope.
The KiddieGram Report for

August 21, 2013
7:31 PM
New York, New York

With wonderful Moon aspects in her Kiddiegram report, this Wednesday's child will bring great happiness to all who know her.

Her Venus is in the sign of Libra and here are a few tidbits from her Kiddiegram


     VENUS represents the way your child gives and receives affection, makes friends, and socializes. It also indicates artistic or creative inclinations.
Venus in Libra:
     Harper has a considerate, thoughtful way about her, and she makes special efforts to cooperate, accommodate, and harmonize with others. She enjoys being with people and may feel at loose ends without a playmate. She is very well-liked and does not like to do anything to offend anyone, even when that means compromising on something that is important to her.
Venus in 7th house:
     This child will never lack love, affection, friends, or companions.  She has an appealing warmth that melts hearts.  She will often play the role of mediator, peacemaker or harmonizer. She especially delights in seeing love expressed between her parents and other adult couples in her life.

Planet Kiddie


Report and Text © Copyright Moira Collins Griffin
and Cosmic Patterns Software, Inc.
The content of this report is protected by Copyright law.
By purchasing this report you agree to comply with this Copyright.

     This astrological portrait of your child is intended to give you insight into her unique gifts and challenges. Much of a child's behavior which may puzzle or stymie her parents are quite normal, common "developmental stages" of childhood, and there are a number of fine books available on the subject which illuminate the predictable stages that children experience as they unfold. In addition to the universal patterns, each child is an individual with particular qualities, potentials, and needs, and an understanding of these can help you parent your child more wisely and effectively. Acceptance and appreciation for a child's basic nature, and an awareness of the places where there might be stress or difficulties for your child, can be important allies in your parenting.

     You will find that the interpretation of your child's chart is written in simple language, uncluttered by astrological jargon. If a statement appears to contradict another statement, then she exhibits these opposite qualities at different times in her life. For example, a statement that she is highly sociable and gregarious and a statement that you prefer solitude seemingly contradict each other; this means that she vacillates, and needs both sociability and solitude at different times.

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The positions of the planets at birth and other technical information
is provided below for the benefit of students of astrology:

Sun     29 Leo 03               Pluto     9 Cap 12
Moon    11 Pis 22               N. Node  10 Sco 25
Mercury 26 Leo 04               Asc.     25 Aqu 25
Venus    6 Lib 18               MC       10 Sag 47
Mars    26 Can 04               2nd cusp 13 Ari 16
Jupiter 12 Can 11               3rd cusp 16 Tau 41
Saturn   6 Sco 24               5th cusp  1 Can 44
Uranus  12 Ari 03               6th cusp 24 Can 15
Neptune  4 Pis 06

Tropical  Placidus   Daylight Savings Time observed
GMT: 23:31:00   Time Zone: 5 hours West
Lat. and Long. of birth: 40 N 42 51 74 W 00 23

Aspects and orbs:
Conjunction: 7 Deg 00 Min
Opposition : 5 Deg 00 Min
Square     : 5 Deg 00 Min
Trine      : 5 Deg 00 Min
Sextile    : 4 Deg 00 Min


     The RISING SIGN in the birthchart (also known as the Ascendant) shows how this child faces life, her basic attitude or stance toward the world, the way she comes across, and how she appears to others.

Aquarius Rising:

     Harper is very progressive and open-minded, and interested in anything new, different, or experimental. She has the objective, fair, detached, and logical attitude of the true scientist, and she will experiment and seek answers for herself rather than relying on the say-so of others. While she may not purposely defy authority, she is quite indifferent to social custom and convention.

     She has a distinctly original way about her that makes her seem a little different or unusual, and she enjoys being her own person rather than "one of the sheep." Her offbeat sense of humor or other idiosyncrasies may make her stand out in some way. Also, she will often be the first to take up a new trend, fashion, or craze. Her tastes are contemporary, not traditional or "old fashioned."

     Harper has a strong interest in social welfare, fairness, and equality, and she is likely to be involved in various movements or organizations promoting change or social betterment. Not content to live for herself alone, she wants to make a contribution to the larger whole. On the other hand, she often does not get along very well with people on a one-to-one basis, as she tends to have very strong, fixed opinions and she can be quite inflexible.

     Her stubbornness may well be one of your greatest challenges while she is growing up. She is always so sure she is right!  Also, she wants to think everything over and make up her own mind, and she resists being led.

     Guidance and discipline must be given with a gentle hand, unless you open rebellion!

Asc. Opposition Sun:

     Harper appears or comes across very differently than she feels herself to be at heart. If you read the description of her sun sign and compare it to the interpretation of her rising sign, you will note some basic contradictions, as if the person she seems to be (shown by the rising sign) is completely opposite in some ways to who she really is inside (as shown by the sun sign). She may swing back and forth between two opposite ways of behaving. People may be surprised to discover that she is really much different once you get to know her, than she first appears.

Asc. Opposition Mercury:

     Harper is very communicative, needs a lot of conversation, and solicits other people's ideas and opinions on just about everything. She can be argumentative at times, primarily for the purpose of drawing someone into a discussion. Matching her wits or debating with others may well be a favorite pastime.


     The SUN in the birthchart represents who this child is at heart, her primary thrust in life, and what path she needs to follow in order to fulfill herself as a unique individual. It indicates who she is inside rather than the way she appears (which is shown more clearly by the Rising Sign).

Sun in Leo:

     Harper is very concerned with becoming a person of distinction and importance, and as a child this is likely to be expressed as a great need for special recognition, attention, praise, and applause. She relishes the limelight, loves to be made much of, and will positively glow with delight when she is the center of attention. Above all else she cannot tolerate being ignored or considered mediocre, "just one of the crowd." She possesses an inherent sense of dignity and pride, and she wants to be outstanding and special. She is also strong-willed, definitely a force to be reckoned with. Unless you want a small dictator on your hands, you will often have to be very firm with her. She is very stubborn and persistent when she wants something, and you will have to be equally so. But even though she is likely to strongly resist your rules or disciplinary actions at times, she will also secretly admire you for it if you are truly just and do not violate her sense of self-respect. Humiliate her and she will never forgive you. And she has a real horror of being embarrassed in front of others.

     In a group of children, Harper is inclined to be at the hub of the action. She has the ability to organize, direct, and lead others, but as a child she can also be rather overbearing, and she tends to dominate less sturdy children. On the other hand she looks up to older children or adults that win her respect, and she is inclined to have heroes, shining examples, people she wants to emulate. She needs to have positive models to inspire her to be her best.

     One of her most appealing qualities is her warm-heartedness. She is very generous and loyal in her affections, and if you love her, she will wholeheartedly adore you in return. She also has a very playful, exuberant, fun-loving side which is likely to last throughout her life.

Sun in 7th house:

     Harper is a "people person" who may have little inclination or taste for solitude.  Finding interesting things to do when she's on her own can be challenging.  Companionship and friendship are everything to her, and she may not act very decisively unless she knows that at least one other person approves of her actions. Because of this, her friends and other significant people in her life can unduly influence her.  She may also be a bit of a busybody, because she so much wants to be actively involved in others' lives.  She will play advisor, peace-maker, go-between, or counselor to her playmates and friends throughout her life.

Sun Conjunct Mercury:

     Harper enjoys and needs to communicate, and she is apt to be an avid talker from an early age. Expect a continual stream of questions, comments, and conversation on every topic. You may need to encourage her to listen more, as she tends to be the more active, vocal participant in a discussion. She appreciates a lively, mentally stimulating environment with plenty to do and think about. Puzzles, word games, and books may be her favorite play things.


     MERCURY represents thinking and reasoning processes, the way your child's mind works, her intellectual inclinations and way of communicating ideas.

Mercury in Leo:

     Harper expresses her thoughts and opinions in an authoritative, outspoken way, and she does not like to admit when she is wrong. She tends to exaggerate or dramatize when she speaks, and she would enjoy performing, telling stories, or speaking in public.

Mercury in 7th house:

     This child likes to talk with people and find out how they think, and she'll follow you around the house and "talk your ears off" in an attempt to converse with you.  She may be a chatterbox in school too, and the telephone may well be her favorite "toy"!


     The MOON in the birthchart indicates how she deals with and expresses feelings, how she experiences the world on an emotional, feeling, non-verbal level, what her emotional needs are, and what she needs to feel secure, comfortable and at ease.

Moon in Pisces:

     Dreamy, imaginative, often drifting off into fantasy or her own private inner world, Harper can entertain herself quietly for long periods of time and she is inclined to withdraw when the outside world is too threatening. Basically gentle and peace-loving, she avoids fighting and will give in to more aggressive, outspoken children in order to maintain harmony. She is also very sympathetic and perceptive about others' emotions, pains, and worries, and it hurts her to see cruelty in any form. She may be hypersensitive at times, crying over incidents that would not phase a more thick-skinned child. She does not handle criticism very well and needs only gentle reminders, never heavy-handed discipline.

     Harper needs to avoid negative, dissonant, inharmonious people and places as much as possible, as she absorbs the emotional tone of her surroundings. She is lifted up by happy, loving people and easily upset by anxious or unkind people. She may not always be able to distinguish what is coming from within herself from what stems from others, as she feels other people's emotions as if they were her own.

     Music has a powerful influence on her, too. You may wish to play her certain pieces of music for their cheerful or soothing effects.

     She has an affinity for water, as well, and spending time at the ocean, lake, or even splashing in the bathtub, will refresh and recharge her emotional batteries.

Moon in 1st house:

     It is not easy for Harper to hide what she's feeling.  Her moods and emotions are very obvious, so she may get a reputation for fickleness or moodiness.  She's also very sensitive to others' moods and feelings.  In a rather endearing way, she accepts and sympathizes with others' ups and downs--even the drugstore cashier's or the dog's.  This child is best reached by appeals to her emotions, not to her logic.

Moon Trine Jupiter:

     Harper has a buoyant, cheerful disposition, and having her around tends to bring others up. She is very generous and open, in a natural, easy-going sort of way, and she attracts many benefits and opportunities in life simply because of her friendliness. However, she is also inclined to let luck take care of her, and she may not push herself hard enough to develop her potential.

Moon Trine Saturn:

     Harper appreciates order and simplicity in her environment, and she feels unhappy when she is in disorganized or unpredictable surroundings. She needs clearly-defined structure to feel comfortable.

     She is usually well-behaved, responsible, and conscientious. In fact, she tries too hard to be a "good girl" at times.

     She thrives on a fair amount of quiet solitary play and time to herself, also.

Moon Sextile Pluto:

     Harper instinctively understands other people's unspoken, inner feelings and hidden emotions. If you are hiding your feelings or profess to feel something you do not truly feel, she will not be fooled in the least.

     Sometimes her desires or requests may seem irrational and she cannot always explain herself in logical terms, but her intuition is usually accurate, and she knows what she needs.


     VENUS represents the way your child gives and receives affection, makes friends, and socializes. It also indicates artistic or creative inclinations.

Venus in Libra:

     Harper has a considerate, thoughtful way about her, and she makes special efforts to cooperate, accommodate, and harmonize with others. She enjoys being with people and may feel at loose ends without a playmate. She is very well-liked and does not like to do anything to offend anyone, even when that means compromising on something that is important to her.

Venus in 7th house:

     This child will never lack love, affection, friends, or companions.  She has an appealing warmth that melts hearts.  She will often play the role of mediator, peacemaker or harmonizer. She especially delights in seeing love expressed between her parents and other adult couples in her life.

Venus Square Pluto:

     Harper can be insatiable for affection and love, and she makes a lot of demands on her friends and loved ones. Her love needs and feelings are very intense. Jealousy, possessiveness, or trying to control others can be problems for her at times. She sometimes acts irrationally when her feelings have been stirred.


     MARS represents your child's drive, ambition, will, energy level, and ability to assert herself.

Mars in Cancer:

     Harper will rarely initiate a fight or a confrontation, and she is uncomfortable with aggressive competition. She often goes after what she wants in an indirect or subtle way. She may have stomach upsets when she is afraid to confront something or assert her will.

Mars in 6th house:

     Harper is a "worker bee" who works hard at the tasks, chores, and plans she sets for herself.  She likes to be organized because she feels she can get a lot done that way.  She'll want to be gainfully employed at an early age, and she's not averse to working her way up from the bottom.


     JUPITER in the birth chart reveals the child's future aspirations, and how she seeks to grow and improve herself.  It also indicates areas of natural confidence, success, or "luck."

Jupiter in Cancer:

     Family and continuity with the past are very important to Harper, and no matter what her aspirations, she will never willingly grow away from her people.  She will want to learn as much as possible about her family tree, her origins and ancestors.  Being a part of an ongoing tradition--part of a tribe, so to speak--gives her confidence and strength.  Visiting the homes of distant relatives would delight her.

Even though she's devoted to her family, her emotional generosity and sympathies extend beyond her immediate circle.  She wants everyone to be "family," and will gladly accept schoolmates, camp buddies, and friends as such.  Her nurturing, protective feelings are strong and she's very caring toward other children (especially younger ones) and toward pets--indeed, toward anyone in need of support.

Jupiter in 5th house:

     Harper has a pronounced gambling streak, and she's often a winner in games of chance.  She also thoroughly enjoys any sort of outdoor games or activities and loves being free in the open air.  She's a good sport, too, because she simply enjoys playing. When she loses, she usually does so graciously--and then starts another game with a smile on her face.  In fact, her enthusiasm for play will not be something she outgrows, but will instead be the secret of her success in life.  This free-flowing, playful attitude will enable her to be abundantly creative.

Jupiter Opposition Pluto:

     Harper is quite a zealot (at least about certain things) and she'll be passionately dedicated to her causes and beliefs.  she seeks to grow through intensity and destroying perceived limitations. Especially in youth, she may be pushy and self-righteous - or just very sure of her convictions.

Jupiter Square Uranus:

     Harper seeks to grow through total freedom.  Spontaneous, restless, and eager, she will immediately say yes to almost any festive plan or adventure presented.  She loves to have complete freedom to explore and decide for herself what she thinks, believes, and what makes her happy.  Play will be an important part of her life, even as an adult.


     The position of SATURN in your child's birth chart indicates the areas in which she is especially insecure, about which she is most serious, and/or in which she works hardest or is hardest on herself.  It also reveals those weaknesses which, through effort, may become her greatest strengths.

Saturn in Scorpio:

     Any struggles, fears, or troublesome feelings that Harper encounters are apt to be kept to herself, but perceptive parents and other caregivers can detect them--usually from her brooding silences or her withdrawal from the social life of the family. This secretiveness may work against her by intensifying her turmoil.  Difficult unexpressed emotions, such as jealousy over the birth of a new sibling or anger at a parent, can grow out of all proportion.  At times, therefore, she'll feel misunderstood: "Nobody really knows me."  The truth is that it can be hard to get to know her, because she doesn't readily trust others.  If she has even one confidante--a parent, an aunt or uncle, or another trustworthy adult who will not judge, shame, or "thou-shalt-not" her feelings--it will go a long way toward diffusing her tensions.  If not, she is likely to suffer from guilt for her strong, but essentially normal, emotions and reactions.

Saturn in 8th house:

     Almost any change in Harper's life is perceived by her primarily as a loss rather than as an opportunity to experience something new.  She needs time to grieve and to talk about her feelings, otherwise she'll have a particularly hard time saying good-bye and letting go.  It can be comforting for her to have something tangible, a keepsake or memento, to remind her of the old neighborhood, the preschool she "graduated" from, etc.

     Harper may also have a pronounced fear of--or a fascination with--death and the dark.

Saturn Trine Neptune:

     As she meets obstacles and difficulties, one ally Harper has is her faith and spirituality.  This is something she will tend to take for granted as she doesn't like to discuss it much.  A close spiritual connection to a grandfather or grandmother can also be strengthening for her.

Saturn Sextile Pluto:

     Harper is capable of remarkable self discipline, focus, and concentration, especially when it's really needed. She won't shirk her duties, either, but takes them in stride, and this trait will help her overcome any difficulty she faces.  The old fashioned idea of hard training for an important goal is one she understands well.


     The Lunar Nodes are points formed by the moon's orbit around the Earth intersecting with the Earth's path around the Sun. These sensitive "power points" in our child's chart give vital information about those areas of life experience that she will instinctively be drawn to in order to fulfill her life purposes, as well as qualities she needs to develop and express in order to do so. They show where she can be most successful as she unfolds her natural talent

North Node in 8th House in Scorpio:

     Harper is a natural investigator with the urge to delve into difficult problems or things that have an element of secretiveness, mystery, or the unknown. She's a deep sea diver and she won't be satisfied with simplistic answers to her profound questions. Her destiny involves fearlessly probing into what others may consider dangerous, inappropriate, taboo, or simply unknowable. As a young child she may be inclined to ask "nosy" personal questions of complete strangers, or confound her elders with her uncanny awareness of what is really going on underneath the surface appearance of things. She has and instinctive gift for handling emergencies, crisis situations, and difficulties of all kinds.

     The qualities Harper needs in order to succeed in this endeavor are wholeheartedness, deep feeling, and following her instincts.


     The slow-moving planets Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto represent the ideals, changes, and impulses of an entire generation. While the descriptions below may or may not describe your child as an individual, they will tell you about the climate of the times and the underlying issues and challenges of your child's age group.

     For instance, when Neptune (which represents one's spiritual ideals, dreams, aspirations, fantasies and illusions) passed through the egalitarian and harmony-loving sign of Libra (from 1943-1957), the children who would grow into the "flower children," hippies, and supporters of the peace movement were born. Not every person born during that time became a hippie or identified themselves with the peace movement, but certainly they were affected by the feeling-tone and ideals of their age group and the times they grew up in. Thus, the following information is intended to give you insight into the important motifs and issues of your child's generation.

     URANUS indicates where the impulse for change, innovation, liberation from the past, and experimentation with new forms is the strongest. It is where the status quo is disrupted or uprooted to make way for something new. Sudden inspiration and invention are also represented by Uranus.

Uranus in Aries:

     FREEDOM for the individual is of utmost importance to this age group. They are some of the most extreme when it comes to following their own inner spark as opposed to adhering to the rules or guidelines imposed by outside authority. They are infused with a powerful spirit of adventurous freedom, self reliance, and revolution, and are in no way passive if their personal freedoms are impinged upon. Many will be seen as incendiary troublemakers.

Uranus in 1st house:

     Harper's natural style and orientation is unconventional and highly individualistic. She embodies and outwardly displays many of the innovative impulses of her generation(as described above). She's seen as a live wire, somewhat untamed or unpredictable and perhaps something of a creative genuis.  In a very conservative or "mainstream" atmosphere she may be an outsider but in progressive environment, her inventiveness will shine.

     "Let me do it my way" is her theme song and as much as reasonably possible it is best to do so. Otherwise she's apt to use her energy rebelliously rather than to discover and express her uniqueness in creative ways.

Uranus Square Pluto:

     Born during a period of massive change and disruption in the world, Harper is part of a group of souls destined to undergo radical severance from many of the old ways of life.  Because of this, many of them will hold tightly to whatever security they can find, and be quite resistant to change in their worlds.  Some, however, will be deeply iconoclastic and instigators of further transformation of the society they are a part of.

     NEPTUNE represents the quest for the ideal, the dream, for something more sublime. The sign it is passing through at the time of one's birth colors one's spiritual aspirations and ideals, and also indicates where the desire to escape reality, to fantasize, deceive oneself, and become lost in illusion is the strongest.

Neptune in Pisces:

     Profoundly mystical forces are washing over the collective psyche of this group. The life of the soul becomes paramount. Water also becomes a primary concern. Healing waters, fountains, and springs with supernatural powers, as well as being "washed" with the Holy Spirit may play important roles.

Neptune in 1st house:

     Harper embodies many of the characteristics described above in a very immediate way.  She is definitely an idealist and a dreamer, and may seem somewhat vague or unfocused at times.  Sensitive and easily moved, this is not a child that requires strong reprimands or disciplinary actions. Instead, she responds to empathy, patience, and gentle coaching.  Generally not a trouble maker, she may melt into the background at times, so she needs to be acknowledged and taken into account even when she's not very forward about it.

     Harper is somewhat chameleon-like and takes on the characteristics of her environment rather readily.  Choosing a wholesome environment that feels good to her can be very helpful.

     PLUTO in the birth chart indicates a process of deep change, transformation, and renewal, often through destruction or confrontation with darkness.  This is a process that takes place in society as well as in individuals.  Pluto's position in the birth chart shows where one is compulsive, extreme, or learning key life lessons.

Pluto in Capricorn:

     Those born during these years (2008-2023) struggle to transform corruption, greed, and the control of power and natural resources in the world around them. Large, impersonal institutions and the heavy handed authoritarianism that breaks them up will be challenged by these children as they grow up. They will be profoundly influenced by witnessing the way power is wielded by their fathers and other authorities they encounter. Cynicism and upheaval may result if integrity, wisdom, and a positive use of masculine strength is not modeled for these children.

Pluto in 11th house:

     The power of the group, for good or ill, plays a significant rile in Harper's life.  Her peer group wileds great influence on her, and she may be drwan to a crowd that may not be good for her or be the kind of people her parents would prefer.  Nevertheless she is learning key lessons about holding her own in a group. She may also align with groups dedicated to purposes she feels passionately about (the nature of which is described above).